Have you tried eBay? Just a thought. This isn't a bloody Land Rover dealership you know :rolleyes:. If you wanna hang around here purely to sell your vehicle then you may very well find your post count dropping.
When did you get to 50 posts?

There are volunteer admins and they may take some time to get round to approving you (I'm guessing), I don't think it's an automatic function of the forum.

Did you log off after 50 posts and log on again before trying?
Have you tried eBay? Just a thought. This isn't a bloody Land Rover dealership you know :rolleyes:. If you wanna hang around here purely to sell your vehicle then you may very well find your post count dropping.

Seems more and more members desperate to reach 50 just to flog stuff. Getting more like the Barras everyday!
Youve been quiet lately, they making you work for a living now?
Seems more and more members desperate to reach 50 just to flog stuff. Getting more like the Barras everyday!
Youve been quiet lately, they making you work for a living now?
Lol thats exactly it. Most of the time I'd come on here to as during my working day but I can't do that now. Plus it's been relatively quiet/boring of late. Mind ive got this grill here for you ;)
Lol thats exactly it. Most of the time I'd come on here to as during my working day but I can't do that now. Plus it's been relatively quiet/boring of late. Mind ive got this grill here for you ;)

Was on holiday for a week. Ill pm you
Hi Guys

Thanks to all those who gave positive replies, i did try logging in and out and leaving it a while but couldn't get it to work.

the wolf - you wont be helping this forum much with negative replies like that - it makes newbies like me feel unwanted !!!! :confused:

I've actually been spending a lot of my time just reading all the good stuff and tips. If you had taken the time to read what I've posted so far, you'd see i am a genuine guy trying to help others and myself.

I'm a normally very busy with 3 kids and i get limited downtime with my job etc. I would love to sit on the site all day posting millions of times, but i just don't get chance like you obviously do :D


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