
New Member

just bought a 97 Range Rover and tried adjusting the steering wheel height. The lever worked ok and returned to its normal position but the wheel won't lock into position. I've tried taking some of the covers off around the column but the two lower screws are obstructed by a steel brace (great design fault). I can see the plunger moving in and out of the column but it won't lock so I presume it's snapped off. Any advice or quick fixes appreciated. Also what's the cable for on the lever that seems to go somewhere under by the pedals? i haven't got cruise control (as far as I know) so don't know what it is.


Kevin Dunlop

I've sussed it out now. Cable operates the column length and the fault is the ball bearing in the ratchet being stuck. Also when the column is extended the two screws are easy to get at.

Kevin Dunlop

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