
To dick about with a little grinder which was a pressie or an impulse buy for a silly length or time when a file would of done it in 20 seconds.

I call mine a die grinder
I had one of these 3d printed to fit in place of the coin tray.

It's made for carling switches.




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That's neat - I guess your D1 is LHD from the pictures....

Hi mate - not my pictures. They are just the pictures the guy took that created the 3d model :)

Mines a RHD :)

you can download that model and use the 3dhubs website to find someone local to you to print and ship the part to you.

I think it cost me about a tenner.

Can just about see mine in this photo, it only has 1 switch in it.


Hijacking a bit here but has anyone found anywhere in the UK that does the carling switch with a fan on it.Plenty in Australia but havnt found any in UK yet .

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