You have made an incorrect assumption that they all have the computerised version.

There are still plenty of HMRC vans going about that only have the pipe and clear bubble looking for red.
The point storm99 was making is that the colour red is not what they look for anymore. It dont stand up in court. You could even claim to be colour blind and have bought it in good faith if you were feeling lucky. Its the chemical markers that will sink you. A handful of copier toner would make it jet black so colour is irrelevant these days.
I've done a bit of work with Customs & Excise - they have frighteningly broad sweeping powers (far more than the police) in this area. I once saw them seize every vehicle at a business (I think about 8) because one was dipped red. This could well have put them out of business in current climate. They didn't use any computers first.

My point is - is it worth the potential inconvenience?

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