
Hi, does anybody here have a disco4 with a rear mount for the spare tire?

I don't find a lot of them, but I also need to make sure it's compatible with the front runner ladder on the back door. And I also would prefer not to have a rear mount that partly hides the right rear light and therefor needs to have its own "copy" rear light unit, I find that quite ugly :)

Thanks for your feedback if you have a rear mount on disco3/4; and ideally also a ladder, and can confirm which combo works together :)

I've asked this question also to frontrunner, but it may take some time for their answer.
I'll have the TREKK rear mount installed; should be high enough to not interfere with the rear parking sensors, and also not blocking the right rear light unit
Trekk, ik hebben heel veel geld uitgegeven op spullen en onderdellen voor mijn Land Rover met deze, top mensen.
Turns out it's actually the one from Nakatanenga. Good stuff though.

2019-06-21 18.40.47-2.jpg

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