I need help or advice, I own a V8 4 litre injection series 2 discovery.
The ACE system as totally failed what is best to cure it????
so you dont need a rescue party to come and sort you out?
LZIR is for emergency rescue and assistance, not general fault identification.
Re your ACE fault, there are 2 trains of thought.
1. repair it
2, Remove it and replace with ARB's

I went for option 2 as I felt in the long run it was cheaper, I didn't noticed any difference. However others will argue you should repair it.
You dont say whats wrong with yours
Thought this place was where I could have advice but no its full of **** takers

Its for both.
In fairness you say your ACE has failed, bit like saying my house lights have went out, whats the problem.
Give us a clue is the system leaking, if so from where etc etc
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