Yes, I stumbled across the site when I was looking for Tekaloid paint. They have excellent prices for all sorts of oils although I'll stick to the stuff recommended by Feri for the Td5 engine.
I have two reservoirs but only the PAS one is fluid in it the ACE one is empty with no pipes attached ? do all disco 2 have the ACE system or is it possible mine has been removed or was never there in the first place and this was the only reservoir the previous owner had on a repair?
Not all Disco 2's were fitted with ACE, it was generally model dependant. If yours has static anti-roll bars then either it was never fitted or it was removed sometime in the past. The reservoirs in the bottle could possibly mean that either ACE was fitted and has been removed or there was a leak in the original PAS bottle and somebody fitted a twin bottle instead.
Cheers, yeah thats what I'm thinking its been changed or removed as theres no lights on in the dash, I will double check at a later date, ohh that list to do's is growing haha

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