
New Member
We have a underlying fault with our ACE system on our '99 Discovery 2, in short it's sprung a leak near the pump itself and its siezed the ACE pump itself

Newish to the Disco 2 (Had a 300TDi bout 10 years ago) since this has arisen its caused a much heated debate at times with the misses about whether or not to De-ACE or stick by it :)

Thoughts chaps and chapessess (I did search and nothing came up)

My first thought would be to post this in the Discovery thread:rolleyes:

There's more chance of an intelligent reply
I like my discovery with the ACE when I was looking to buy a d2 it was the one extra that it had to have as it drives much better on the road with it and as it don't work at slow speed it should be better off road to
You can get a STD anti roll bar convention kit for them but if it was me I'd fix it
I like my discovery with the ACE when I was looking to buy a d2 it was the one extra that it had to have as it drives much better on the road with it and as it don't work at slow speed it should be better off road to
You can get a STD anti roll bar convention kit for them but if it was me I'd fix it

+1,I'd mend mine if it broke(actually it has and I did):D
if you have no other faults and its not a pipe that is split the cheaper option is to fix the pump on ebay about £80 delivered.
either wise you need to get the ace system turned off with a nanocom or similar. then fit anti roll bar kit(i think about £200) plus remove ace pump with a tensioner and get a new belt about £50.
i like my ace and it was horrible when mine failed.

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