
New Member
Anyone here ever accidentally damaged anything whislst driving theyre series?
I'll start off:
Coming into a shopping centre car park (which I've been in many a time before), get to the entrance for the multi storey ramp, notice there's a new height restriction sign. "Hmm, well they've not lowered the bloody roof, I'll keep going."

Looks in rear view to see the (solidly made out of steel) height restriction sign hanging by one of its 2 chains and power cable with a scared mini driver laughing behind.


Any more stoires?
I parked up on one of the farms i used to manage, (on a gravel standing next to the 'road' that ran up the center of the farm, when i went too pull away it was sluggish, so i dropped it into low box thinking its was the stones (they are about a foot deep to stop lorries hitting the sheds) moved about a foot then felt the front lift and heard a thump, got out too have a look what was going on found a lump of 8x4 steel box that had been concreted into the ground (about 2 foot deep through the stones and mud) laying under my front bumper in its side
A few years back some tart in a mg went into the back of my series 3... Her bumper got stuck in the farmer style tow bar (hitch and pin?) and she asked me dad for the bumper back :hysterically_laughi
had a few in my 2a in the 12 years i had it, was in a local town had to turn around but could'nt be assed to go into the car park at the end of the road so pulled along side a layby outside a post office reversed back into the layby (looking out the back window all the way in) WOOOLLLLAAAAPPPP! nearly shook me fillings out . thought WTF! got out and right where the panel between the back quarter light and door window was 1 of those metal sign posts with the little parking restrictions on it :D must have been bent over to about 70 degrees :rolleyes: just popped a bit of filler off the rear corner of wing
that must have been 20+ years ago and they just replaced the pole about 12 months back :hysterically_laughi
another 1 went into the said town to get the doris her crimbo pressie parked in a small carpark close to the shop i was going to had to park up an incline .
came back to get the landie 15 minutes later came around the corner to find the landie gone :eek: got roight around the corner to find the handbrake must have let go and it had rolled down the incline straight into a 6ft high 6inch concrete bloke wall .
broke the stop light and indicator lenses and scratched the xmember handle :D
shifted the bloke wall on the joint below the xmember must have been for about 6/7 ft either side of the impacked area
:D :jaw: :bolt:
I've never had a series, but I do remember a very funny accident my mate had in his 109 when I was following him to a job.

To keep it short he'd stopped at some traffic lights at a T junction. We'd been sat there for a couple of minutes when a youngish lad in a Mondeo came hammering around the corner, took it too wide and smacked head on into my friend at quite a pace. The landy had one of the old Hydraulic capstan bumpers on the front which shoved the whole of the engine bay of the Mondeo under the drivers compartment! It broke my mates winch (he wasn't happy!) which induced a bit of a rant. I felt for the Mondeo driver, he lost almost half his car in the crash and it was his fault :D
i parked my landy in a local tesco carpark, in a bay about 30 years from any other car, i locked her up and went shopping, when i came back i found a pile of broken glass and bits of plastic behind the landy..... it appears someone miss judged the length of there car.... hitting my towball then my rear cross member
Nothing yet with Gertrude but when we had a 200 TDI Disco I had a big Merc (with a Berk in it) reverse at speed in an attempt to stop me getting a parking space.......trouble is he did not stop in time! Result - Me nothing - Him one very expensive rear bumper and off side lights in bits on the floor.....He then refused to move them so I drove off over them....I let him have the parking space.....I was leaving anyway!!!!:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
My mother reversed her soft top IIA into a parking bay in a large open car park at work in the morning. At the end of the day she got in, and decided that due to the layout of the car park it would be easiest to reverse out of the parking bay rather than drive out forwards. She checked the mirrors and tried to reverse out, but it just didn't want to move, so she got out to see what the problem was. What she found was a streetlamp up against the rear X-member bent over to 45 degrees!
Took on a new job at garden centre and reversed in to the bore hole drain cover.Bummer was the guy heard the bang and i bent the **** outta me tow bar.Good old 109 was fine
Years ago when I was in college, me and a mate went back to my old man's place for some food. I parked up infront of an ash tree that my father had been struggling to keep alive for years as the soil was very thin. When it was time to go back to college we got in my IIA and reversed out... My mate was ****ing himself laughing. I turned around to look out of the windscreen and to my horror I found that that feckin pot-head mate of mine had tied a rope from the bumper to the base of the tree and we'd ripped it right out of the ground.
just thought of another 2 i had with the 2a :pound: :pound:
1 day called into the local news agents to pick up me lro mag came out ficking through it as i walked back to me landie jumpeed in looked out the plastic rear window in the back of the tilt, both the wing mirrors nothing so slapped it in reverse GRUNCH! WTF! got out went around the back and on the floor was a mz motorbike :eek: :screaming_bug_eye_f
just then the women that owned it turned up went mental at me (all the damage that i could see was the rubber handle bar grip was scuffed) i said well if you park it under my spare wheel how am i suppose to see it just got in the landie and drove off (she stood there catching flys as i drove back passed her on the way out of the carpark
the other time the plastic tilt window did the buisness again , in the builders merchants (sunny day) came out jumped in reversed into the middle of the yard (in front of the sand pitts where you could'nt park because of the tractor loading sand all day) wallop! some numpty had parked a little lancia right in the middle of nowhere by the sandpits pushed the rear wing clean into the boot
Not in a series, but a 90 (company vehicle). Used to live the other side of a huge open field from the main road. Set off for work one morning all frosted up and still dark, got across the field and remembered I had left me snap behind. Into reverse, full lock, foot down, bang, glass everywhere, WTF. I had managed to reverse into the only obstruction in the whole field, a large telegraph pole, now at a bit of an angle. Drove round the other side and pushed it up straight. The spare wheel took most of the force, so just replaced the rear window with a sheet of perspex and nobody ever noticed.
Was parked outside the house and heard a loud scraping noise one day, looked out to see a caravan missing most of one side parked alongside my s3, went out and it turns out the dopey git had forgotten he had the caravan cut in too early and caught the front corner on my front bumper which had opened the caravan up like a tin of sardines. only damage was a few scuffs and a slight dent in the wing.
When we had the S3 we used to park on our drive, about 50 yards from local school, so regularly got blocked in by inconsiderate mums etc. One week, same car, same time every day just as I had to go to work (working odd shifts) so I had an argument with her every day 'cos she made me late. No worries over the weekend, but again the following monday she did the same again ... I was a bit mad to say the least, so just put it in 4wd low box and drove out anyway .. pushed her Mini into the middle of the road and went to work.

Wife says it was chaos .. Mini in middle of main road, locked with handbrake on with a few dents in nearside door and wings, and no-one around who knew whose it was ... ;)

We never saw her again ... ;)
When we had the S3 we used to park on our drive, about 50 yards from local school, so regularly got blocked in by inconsiderate mums etc. One week, same car, same time every day just as I had to go to work (working odd shifts) so I had an argument with her every day 'cos she made me late. No worries over the weekend, but again the following monday she did the same again ... I was a bit mad to say the least, so just put it in 4wd low box and drove out anyway .. pushed her Mini into the middle of the road and went to work.

Wife says it was chaos .. Mini in middle of main road, locked with handbrake on with a few dents in nearside door and wings, and no-one around who knew whose it was ... ;)

We never saw her again ... ;)
top man!i ****in hate folk who park ova poeples drives.
Mostly we didn't mind 'cos the times generally meant we weren't leaving or coming home, but that couple of weeks I was on a different shift pattern and needed to leave, she just wouldn't listen and I figured I'd already been patient enough ...