
Master Procrastinator
Checked my AC drains for blockages earlier, but found them to both be bone dry, so I initially thought that they weren't blocked but after rethinking my assumption, can this mean that the blockage may actually be further back up the line? If so, am I safe to gently push a coat hanger (or similar) up the the drains or am I likely to cause damage to them?
They're fairly soft rubber tubes, so I wouldn't push anything sharp up there (ooh-er). Ive just pulled the passenger foot well carpet out as it's getting wet, half suspecting these tube to be leaking, but they look OK - I think it's coming in down the A pillar area on mine.
Ah, OK. I'll not push anything up there then. ;)
From a quick shufty, I can't see any drips at all higher than the carpets, but I suppose that doesn't mean much with a Landy
There’s always a possibility damage or other issue can be done unless there’s full access to the total length of plastic/rubber tube when probing with “coat hanger (or similar)”
But as for your question “am I likely to cause damage to them?” I haven’t a clue, so what do u think ? :)
Ah, OK. I'll not push anything up there then. ;)
From a quick shufty, I can't see any drips at all higher than the carpets, but I suppose that doesn't mean much with a Landy
Having said that, there was some muck in the tubes (looking in from the top), not a lot, but it could be your problem - with the centre console out it's easy to check.
They're fairly soft rubber tubes, so I wouldn't push anything sharp up there (ooh-er). Ive just pulled the passenger foot well carpet out as it's getting wet, half suspecting these tube to be leaking, but they look OK - I think it's coming in down the A pillar area on mine.

In this case it is probably the front sunroof drain slots in the sills that are blocked so your sills fill with water instead of draining to the floor. The slots cab be unblocked using the end of a cable tie to poke up the slot which is an elongated indentation in the sill metal rather than an actual drain 'hole'.
If your carpet is wet these days search for leaks near the windscreen or along the A pillar and you can forget the A/C drains cos i doubt that there will be any condensation unless it's above 25*C in your area :cool:
I had a damp passenger carpet after a replacement windscreen. Eventually found the rubber trim on the plastic panel under the wipers wasn't sitting against the screen as well as it could and rainwater was running down inside it and dripping off into the heater intake and then to the carpet. I cut a length of plastic and glued it to the underside of the trim so any rainwater now drips off before the intake and then seated the trim properly.

Also found this on a search.
RAVE Technical Bulletin - Water Ingress into the Passenger Footwell - 76/37/94/EN

Water collects in the plenum sponge that is situated above the intake duct and drips into the intake, water is then drawn into the heater assembly, on passing through the heater assembly water leaks into the passenger footwell. The reports also indicate water is taking the same route via the windscreen lower seal, these conditions show in the following ways (wet carpets and water leaking from the heater). To overcome this condition a deflector strip has been introduced to route water away from the heater air intake duct, this deflector can be retrospectively fitted to vehicles that exhibit this condition.
During my afternoon off work I took a quick look around the front windscreen area and found two possible issues. At the top corners of the windscreen, there is a mahoosive hole at the front of the gutter, which to me doesn't seem right.
I would have thought that any water in the gutter would make it's way on to the windscreen itself, rather than disappear in to a hole. It's the same on the both sides, which makes me think it's supposed to be like that. o_O

The other possible issue is the small piece of trim at the very bottom of the windscreen which runs the entire width is slightly loose on the left and right.

The image is not my car, it's just one I borrowed off 'tinternet.

Sorry, you'll need to be more specific. What is a water inlet notification?

Is what LR used to notify all their techies about how the D2 lets water in and how to fix it, You might know it as a technical bulletin.
Including the areas you are asking about.
Has been published enough times on here.

Is what LR used to notify all their techies about how the D2 lets water in and how to fix it, You might know it as a technical bulletin.
Including the areas you are asking about.
Has been published enough times on here.
Ah right, thanks.
RAVE Technical Bulletin - Water Ingress into the Passenger Footwell - 76/37/94/EN

Water collects in the plenum sponge that is situated above the intake duct and drips into the intake, water is then drawn into the heater assembly, on passing through the heater assembly water leaks into the passenger footwell. The reports also indicate water is taking the same route via the windscreen lower seal, these conditions show in the following ways (wet carpets and water leaking from the heater). To overcome this condition a deflector strip has been introduced to route water away from the heater air intake duct, this deflector can be retrospectively fitted to vehicles that exhibit this condition.

A Recall maybe, a main dealer can tell you if your vehicles VIN was among them if there was a recall.
A DIY deflector can easily be made and fitted if required.
This deflector thingy - do we know when it was fitted as standard? I'll have a look and see if Albrit show it, along with a VIN....
It's a TSB not a recall just that it has nothing to do with D2 cos what's missing from that quote is
"MODEL Discovery
AFFECTED VEHICLES All Derivatives from LJ 081991"

....which means D1

TSB did I suggest it wasn’t? :rolleyes:
I did say “recall maybe” as in ‘enquiring. I do know what ‘tech service bulletin’ is, I receive one or two a week at work.

LJ 081991 what is that? a VIN identification. If so it’s not used with the D1 1990 onwards, they don’t have a LJ VIN so that excludes the 300 series which has the heater duct and plenum that was copied over to the D2 design

In the UK we have recalls when the when a vehicle manufacturer finds an issue, Ive has a few in the cars I’ve owned over the years, although Ymir’s disco there’s only one, which I received it was in 2005 which LR stated the fuel tank had a fault and required replacing, I did bother of course I didn’t have the time, anyway would know if there was a possibility of my disco fuel tank leaking, but then LR downgrade the recall to an inspection at the time of the vehicle servicing.

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