Because this guy had everything in one place biggeee. And he was closer too if there was anything wrong. Don't you ask places if that is their best deal?
Don't use a Mac and you'll save yourself nearly 2/3rds the Computer cost....

Girlfriend is a Graphic Artist and award winning photographer...uses a Mac for a her day job as that is what the company supplies her with - for her own private work and photography she prefers a PC - much greater choice of GPU technology and is more customisable for her needs depnding on job!

Like most work related things, it's more to do with workflow and productivity.

The grand or so you save initially is nothing compared to the time saved over the computers lifetime.

Some people are more productive with a mac, some windows, some nix.. go with what is best for you and the work you do.
Because this guy had everything in one place biggeee. And he was closer too if there was anything wrong. Don't you ask places if that is their best deal?

No - not on Ebay I don't. I research the product then search on the Internet for the best price, to be honest most things on Ebay can be found cheaper elsewhere.

no deals on ebay anymore, just another online shop with higher prices than most other places around !
Buying LED domestic lighting on Ebay direct from China is considerably cheaper than any shop. Same goes for Tablet computers and photovoltaic panels:)
£1 shops now theres a bargain, not being horrible but I lean on the sellers side without the ##××÷ if you dont wanna sell just say no. No idea what made him say it in the manner he did but heyho get over it. ALDI another bargain
My biggest concern with this unfortunate seller is that he's got an X5 and he's not being discreet about it :eek: You'd think he'd be ashamed and want to hide the fact, but he seems to be proud of it :confused:

A serious lack of judgment and good taste; definitely one to avoid / pity :( Maybe he'll grow up, one day.
I can understand the sellers fraustration, probably the same sort of feeling most of the long termers on here get when another what tyre thread pops up.

I've been into local landy spares shops in the past and mentioned eBay prices and touched a nerve. Of course eBay sellers usually don't have rent and staff to pay for.

It's also, as the seller mentioned, possible he sells better quality products.

I work for a CCTV distributor/manufacturer and we have our own brand which is made in Korea by one of the best factories out their. We are of course cheaper than the big brands but can't compete with the companies selling the cheap Chinese rubbish.

Perhaps he just got ****ed off with another customer who doesnt appreciate you get what you pay for.

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