
New Member
Hello All,
Whilst I am not one to normally broadcast things like this, I am afraid that I feel most strongly on this. I asked a few questions o n eBay of a seller about a product (the digital tv and reversing camera) and asked if he could match or get closer to another price. He was quite abrupt and this is the reply I got:
Ur just a cheap skate with a **** car you idiot u thought I was desperate for ur pathetic offer. Why would I feel threatened I know I'm the only one doing it pal that's why I'm doing plenty of them, no body can match what I'm selling for the price u can search every ####in site on the planet u retard.#

And How have I slagged anyone?? All I said was the bloke uses **** stuff. It's the ####ing truth u ####
I don't need customers like u I bet u ain't got many friends either.#
Good luck with ur **** car ****ing in water steaming up ur windows and smelling like a wet dog inside lovely that mate chin up the x5 is built much better and it doesn't leak water like that **** heap ur piling money into that's worth bugger all!#
Done well from this business pal got a massive house and a few nice motors from it
Happy Easter!

- beema_geeza..

Maybe a person to avoid?
Hopefully this is ok Admin?
Kind regards,
S Fothergill.
Maybe a bit unfair to post the reply when we don't know the content or tone of your questiins
Oh don't worry he was reported as soon as he posted the message. I had thanked him for his comments and said that because of his attitude I would go elsewhere as he was quite rude and was making comments about other sellers.
you have to remember sellers on eBay have to work to very tight margins. I sell photo restoration services on eBay but I have no drama turning work down when people make silly offers. I have been asked to restore a damaged photograph, I quoted £30 I feel this is very reasonable for a 2 hour job, a minimum for a shop would be £50! but as I am a new company, 1 man operation with few overheads, I am able to undercut the big boys, however I do have to take into account the following list:

Apple Mac Computer
Adobe Software
Bamboo Tablet (ok this is not essential but I prefer working with this)
Time, effort and the knowledge of how to use the above restore sent picture

I hope this helps him understand why I refused his offer of £10 as that works out at £5 per hour and I am starting a business not a charity?! I could flip burgers at McDs and that requires no skill at all and I would make more money?

so he was more than likely very frustrated at your offer being too low??

2 sides to every story! just saying
I asked if he could get closer to the other price and he proceeded to slag them off which always puts people off as it seems they have to make themselves look better by putting other people down. I understand that not all people can match lower costs, however I did not deserve that torrent of abuse.
I asked if he could get closer to the other price and he proceeded to slag them off which always puts people off as it seems they have to make themselves look better by putting other people down. I understand that not all people can match lower costs, however I did not deserve that torrent of abuse.

I wasn't justifying the abuse, I was looking at it from a sellers point of view.

yes we all like a bargain, but we all have bills to pay
you have to remember sellers on eBay have to work to very tight margins. I sell photo restoration services on eBay but I have no drama turning work down when people make silly offers. I have been asked to restore a damaged photograph, I quoted £30 I feel this is very reasonable for a 2 hour job, a minimum for a shop would be £50! but as I am a new company, 1 man operation with few overheads, I am able to undercut the big boys, however I do have to take into account the following list:

Apple Mac Computer
Adobe Software
Bamboo Tablet (ok this is not essential but I prefer working with this)
Time, effort and the knowledge of how to use the above restore sent picture

I hope this helps him understand why I refused his offer of £10 as that works out at £5 per hour and I am starting a business not a charity?! I could flip burgers at McDs and that requires no skill at all and I would make more money?

so he was more than likely very frustrated at your offer being too low??

2 sides to every story! just saying
Don't use a Mac and you'll save yourself nearly 2/3rds the Computer cost....

Girlfriend is a Graphic Artist and award winning photographer...uses a Mac for a her day job as that is what the company supplies her with - for her own private work and photography she prefers a PC - much greater choice of GPU technology and is more customisable for her needs depnding on job!
Don't use a Mac and you'll save yourself nearly 2/3rds the Computer cost....

Girlfriend is a Graphic Artist and award winning photographer...uses a Mac for a her day job as that is what the company supplies her with - for her own private work and photography she prefers a PC - much greater choice of GPU technology and is more customisable for her needs depnding on job!

I've been Mac for 15 years, I get a good price on the hardware and I've never been able to get along well with Windoze. I do have Windows on my Mac (can run at the same time as OS X or boot separate) for the odd thing that refuses to work on OS X but to be honest I don't like the environment

guess it's stick to what you know??
I've been Mac for 15 years, I get a good price on the hardware and I've never been able to get along well with Windoze. I do have Windows on my Mac (can run at the same time as OS X or boot separate) for the odd thing that refuses to work on OS X but to be honest I don't like the environment

guess it's stick to what you know??

also if I sell a 1 year old Mac I get 80+% of what I paid back

sell and old PC?? you'd be lucky to get 20%???

So true...if you have been Mac'd for so long changing OS and environment would be a huge undertaking - I get totally confuzzed with a Mac so, as you say, better the devil you know!;)
also if I sell a 1 year old Mac I get 80+% of what I paid back
But you paid up to 5 times the price of a window computer in the first place

sell and old PC?? you'd be lucky to get 20%???

True, but as it didn't cost much in the first place it's not big deal.

crApple is more about image than substance except for niche applications like publishing.
I asked if he could get closer to the other price and he proceeded to slag them off which always puts people off as it seems they have to make themselves look better by putting other people down. I understand that not all people can match lower costs, however I did not deserve that torrent of abuse.

Don.t understand why you would ask someone to 'get closer to the other price'

surely you would want a better deal or why not just buy the cheaper one?
At the risk of re-igniting an Apple/PC battle on here, I've been using PCs for professional design/publishing/photo work since 1989, but I also sometimes run pre-press for local printers in Mac only environments.

Adobe Creative Suite programs work almost identically on both - I find that apart from minor differences in the way files are stored/handled/accessed, and differences in shortcuts and control/alt/quick keys, the biggest difference is the position of the Maximise/minimise/close buttons - top right on PC, top left on Mac.


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