
New Member
hi took the wheels of my disco to check the pads ok no problems.

checked the fuses no problems ,pulled the fuses put back in lights still on.

so looks like i will have to take the disco in to connect up to the computer to find faults on the abs tc or wheel sensor.

Hi Guiness, mine had the same problem and ended up with a new hub with sensor being fitted (muckanic said he wouldn't guarentee just a sensor being fitted) and hey presto a month later the bloody lights came back on again, this time it turned out to be a warped brake disc so put drilled, vented and grooved ones on with teflon pads (cheaper than genuine parts) and touch wood the lights have started to behave themselves.
where can you get these special disc and can you replace them as pairs or all 4 .

hi, mine had same problem, lights stuck on! took it to my garage thy put it on a machine, turned out to be front offside abs wheel senser, (70quid) i got them to change front discs at same time as senser fits behind disc,
I'll vouch for those disc, Just got back from driving to & from Spain and they were great on the Pyranees especially in the cold.

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