
New Member
hello guys not had a post for a while since my HDC TC light problem

after much searching and looking i had to nite the built and went to a land rover specialist

after an hours diagnostic he found faults with Both drivers side ABS sensors and rings
but the abs light wasnt one
the reason for this is someone had cut the wire and soldered it to another wire that went off after a few seconds so reconnected wire and i get the three amigos

so i picked the car up and replaced them both--- had some bad luck front sensor(new faulty) so had to wait for another one

after fitting sensors and rings i test them all and all working fine

BUT when i start the car its all ok now anywhere between 0.1 onwards i come on again but never the same amount of time in to my trip which is odd

my freelander is XEDI 2000 model with a 2 pin brake light switch the man at land rover said this cnt be at fault as its the 2 pin version but im just stumped to what can be causing this as it is clearly not finding a fault until the lights come on

i no this is a long thread but just after some more advice as £60 an hour and running low on money :(
After being told i needed a ABS sensor on the rear, i changed it today and i've still got the 3 amigos
I now have to go and get another diagnostic reading

I'm also running short of dosh and time and patience with the Freelander

When my 3 lights came up it was due to faulty brake pedel switch

It is suppose to be quite a common problem

It comes also with an adaptor lead

Hope you don't think I'm interfering

the guy at land rover said it wasnt the switch as i have the 2 pin switch which only works the lights and nothing more
I wish that people would stop saying the brake light switch when you and others have clearly stated that the two pin type has nothing to do with the the system, if it was that easy we would not have this problem

My apologies I didn't intend to wind you up or insult you in any way

It was only because it happended to me and suggested it as 2 heads are better than one and sometimes when you get so streesed with a car all you want to do is crush it

I didn't mean to wind you up anymore than you all ready are

any help good or bad is help

its why i like these forums :)
ps not insulted or upset by your comment at least you was willing to have a possible answer
To be honest, there's so many things it could be it's impossible to say for definite which it is.
If not the brake switch, possible candidates are:
- another ABS sensor or reluctor ring
- faulty connection, particularly under the centre consol
- something none of us has ever seen before!

I have the 3 amigos even after replacing all the stuff you're meant to replace. Pretty sure now that one of the replacement bits is faulty, but which?
Tbh I have bigger problems to fix than that, so it's taken a back seat for a while.
But I've made my problems into a hobby and I'm now getting a sick pleasure out of the ones which I manage to fix, or even just diagnose :)
Hiya buddy

No need to apoligise and quite understand you having a rant and certainly would be the same

Have you managed to get anywhere with it , hopefully you've made some headway

I hope you don't think I'm being rude or daft would a obd2 reader tell you if the new parts you've fitted are now ok as part of an elemination unless of course its all ready been done

Is there a way to break the connectors apart and do a continuity test on the wires etc as you said they had swapped some wires

By the doing this could there be a bad connector pin etc not sending the message back properly to tell the 3 lights to go out

Or maybe a bad connection

Hope I'm not being dense etc and you may have already been down this road.

I've slowly been reading through the land rover manual to see if I could find something for you

Just feel sorry for you seeing that the lights keep staring at you whilst going down the road

We have a really good land rover specialist here in kent if you wish to email me over all the faults and what you've done etc if you would like I will print it out and take it down there for you to see if they have any ideas

My email is

But please don't think I'm trying to interfere but have so much time on my hands will be more than happy to drop the email down to them for you as I know the head technician

Lastly please don't think I'm trying to wind you up etc as by the sounds of it your already banging your head against the wall etc

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hello being out today and bk to garage to speak to the man and he put it on the machine the lights were out for 12 mins today before they came on and at the garage he checked the sensors they are all working as they should on his machine and i have being reading that intermittant lights is normaly caused by a ABS modulator ( on mine its part of the pump)
modulator fault would show up on diagnostics id have thought, did you take it for a run after clearing faults and rereading when lights come back on ,wheel bearing is often a cause of sensor fault , what ciodes/faults show
going bk in the next day so they can have another look at it for me today was just a quick look as the lights were doing the on off thing for most my time out and was told if it happened to pop it in for them to see.

as for bearings i have no bearing noise and no play in any of the bearings plus while there today the sensors were reading correct while lights were on and off... all i no is its starting to be a pain.
going bk in the next day so they can have another look at it for me today was just a quick look as the lights were doing the on off thing for most my time out and was told if it happened to pop it in for them to see.

as for bearings i have no bearing noise and no play in any of the bearings plus while there today the sensors were reading correct while lights were on and off... all i no is its starting to be a pain.
wheel bearings wont necessarily be noisy or have play ,abs sensor fault is often first sign ,but if light are coming on an off like a loose connection ?
today 12mins before lights came on yestaday they never went off lol think i might start pplaying a game with the kids guess what lights are on before we get in the car the correct answer can have sweetie money lol
You have checked the G sensor already? Sorry if you have or if your model don't have it.
are you sure your does not have one i was told that all freelanders had one it is next to the handbrake and there is a triang onit for warning
positive nothing was there when i fitted the new console...

if it was ment to have one tho wouldnt the lights be on all the time

im asking as i dnt no lol

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