Think your thinking of Kseal etc. Irontite is a ceramic seal & for around £40 is worth a go over scrapping an engine block or even the whole car. Has good results for porous / cracked blocks.

This is what I have been reading. Not read anything yet about it potentially causing more problems, just that it has either been successful or not, and mostly success from the reading I've done. It was what the specialist suggested in the case of a cracked block as the only thing he has ever seen actually work.

I was gonna go for the full treatment, so the flush, ceramic, then all weather seal, costs around £90. Obviously no guarantees it will work, and I obviously don't expect it to be a permanent fix. But as I said earlier, I only need it to last through the winter, and I'll have had the use I need out the car. I have no intention of "bodging the motor to get rid of it dishonestly". The intention was always to start stripping the car in the spring.
I've had a good result with Steelseal in the past. The Daughters Rover 25 (1.4 K series), started overheating and she carried on driving it... When I got there the water oil mix was coming out between the head / block.

Got it home (7 miles) by stopping and topping up coolant 3 times.

Bought some of the green stuff and followed the instructions (empty into coolant system when cold, and allow to run for an hour).

Left it overnight, topped up coolant and ran it up to temp. No overheating.

Being a good Yorkshireman I then drained the sump, got 7l of chocolate milkshake out. Filled it with some used 20/50 from the TVR (it only does 3000 miles between changes), as I figured it would let go pretty quickly.
Over 10 years and more than 10,000 miles it's still going strong !
This is what I have been reading. Not read anything yet about it potentially causing more problems, just that it has either been successful or not, and mostly success from the reading I've done. It was what the specialist suggested in the case of a cracked block as the only thing he has ever seen actually work.

I was gonna go for the full treatment, so the flush, ceramic, then all weather seal, costs around £90. Obviously no guarantees it will work, and I obviously don't expect it to be a permanent fix. But as I said earlier, I only need it to last through the winter, and I'll have had the use I need out the car. I have no intention of "bodging the motor to get rid of it dishonestly". The intention was always to start stripping the car in the spring.
If the instructions are followed to the letter i've heard good reports of it. No clogging of waterways, matrix, rad as it's flushed through after application. Some engine builders actually run this through blocks as a backup. For £90 i'd say it's worth a punt.
Fair enough. If the vehicle is getting stripped. Go for at. If it works happy days. If it doesn't you're binning it anyway.

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