It's getting bigger and bigger every year.
You can hardly see all of the show in one day .
Had a blast. Good to be home and get some sleep.
Don't believe the hype.....
The Germans couldn't organise a **** up in a brewery.
The main campsite is right by the side of a sewage works.
& all 3 of the campsites are massivley over subscribed,Iarrived at 3.00pm on the Wed grabbing what I thought was one of the last pitches available.By Wed night probably another 200 vehichles had managed to squeze onto the site.You literaly could not move.
Loo's were portaloo's,not so bad,but then it was only the first day.Only 1 shower block,made do with my own bag shower.& 1 water point,'which was a 20 min walk from where I camped.
The campsites are 6km from the show site,with regular bus service.
The show itself is very good,(not as good,or big as Peterbourgh Land Rover show,IMO)You will never see as many Unimogs & big overland vehichles in one place.Likewise on the campsite.
By the afternoon of Thursday,it was so packed with people,it was difficult to get to look at anything properly.
So,in summary.....I've done it.....It was OK....But....won't be going again.
3000km round trip for me.
The Abenteuer Alrad show is EXTREMELY well organised and is MUCH larger then the Peterborough LRO show. Peterborough typically has 10-15,000 visitors whereas the Abenteuer show is a quiet show if there is less than about 50,000 visitors. Am not sure on number of traders at the Abenteuer show compared to the Peterborough show but can ensure people that there are more traders at the Abenteuer show then Peterborough and from many different countries

The campsites used at the Abenteuer show are NOT permanent camp sites and Pro Log the organisers of the Abenteuer Alrad show clearly state

The Camp-Area is not a permanent camping site. The area is rented by pro-log only for use during the days of the show and is made available for the visitors according to these House and Compound Rules.

There is 4 or 5 temporary camp sites which do not have permanent facilities and this is for people attending an All wheel Adventure show. Yes the camp sites are crowded hardly surprising considering the number of visitors to the show. There are several commercial camp sites within reasonable distance of Bad Kissingen with permanent facilities.

Must admit we can camp on the actual show ground, even there you do do not get much room and it is more expensive than the general camp sites.

There are over 30 buses taking the visitors back and forward to the show ground and show visitors entrance/camping and food prices are cheaper then at UK shows.


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