Looks like I'm getting a visit from the administration tomoz with regards to the offending slitty , see if I can get an up date from em
Gave a statement this aft and have been asked to ask if anyone else who was there would be willing to give witness statement , if your willing can ya pm me your contact info and I will pass it on to the officer dealing with this case :)

And so you all know they are fully awere of the recovery situation
ya got my details mate..

pass em on no problem..

might be able to let them contact the farmer and offer to help wall repairs..
Dry stoning must be just like fitting a big jigsaw together. If needs be we can allus ask the farmer to give us guidance and then just carry on walling. Must be a film in that somewhere. If you get any dates send us a pm and if theres time will make one in, Bazz.:clap2:
Been looking up drystone walling and asking a few builders etc about it , by the sounds of it it easy enough just takes forever , but with the numbers we might have it should only take 2 mins :)
Been looking up drystone walling and asking a few builders etc about it , by the sounds of it it easy enough just takes forever , but with the numbers we might have it should only take 2 mins :)

You'd be suprised....Anyone can pile stones on top of each other but dry-stone walling is an art and a state of mind....the last person to ask is a conventional builder cause they aint got a clue :p

I'd be well up fer this if it weren't so fookin far away
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