It took me less than a day to pull my Series II apart, then 3 years to rebuild it on the front of my house, no garage, and very few power tool, it looked like new when it was done, and I will never forget the look on my sons face when I picked him up from school on his 16th birthday, and presented it to him with the words "don't you ever go off road with it".... he didn't listen!!!! lol
I haven't named my freelander but my series 109 is called Compo. My wife names her cars and she has a few unpleasant names for me anorl.

Does seem more prevelant in LR's. My P38 is quite butch looking vehicle with chunky tires lifted up, yet everyone always refers to it as 'she'. Hence,

The truck - def90
The van - hilux270
The car - shogun 3.2
The princess - p38
So I'm guilty to an extent

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