Arron I know it's been said before but there is a potential business here I am sure many people would be happy to pay to have their engine restored to this condition bet they would drive it round with the bonnet removed so people could see it.
So.. the engine went in shortly after posting and I had had my dinner, and then I've been moving all my shit'e and digging the rest of the day until it ****ed it down, so I came inside.
Fitted the rocker cover once it had dried a little more, I'm a big pansy really :oops::eek:
So now the engine is all done, dusted and in, does anyone have any advice or recommendations on a good running in oil?

Got to sort the transfer box next, but need to order a few seals, and flanges etc.. for that, but that might be a couple of weeks yet, we'll have to see how the garden project's go.. o_O:confused:
And in the meantime, I need to source all new hoses..

Arron I know it's been said before but there is a potential business here I am sure many people would be happy to pay to have their engine restored to this condition bet they would drive it round with the bonnet removed so people could see it.

Thankyou for the kind comments Ray, it is nice to hear :)
Maybe, and hopefully one day, I just keep plodding with what I'm doing at the mo.
looking great mate, you'll have it up and running in a few weeks, i think you needs to do a 110 next or a series :D
Thankyou for the kind comments Ray, it is nice to hear :)
Maybe, and hopefully one day, I just keep plodding with what I'm doing at the mo.
He's right you know. You aren't afraid of the graft and dirty bits a lot of people don't like doing and I really think people would be more than happy to pay you to clean up and rejuvenate their engines inside and out!
A cheap (relatively) unit where you can make noise and all your pictures collected into a portfolio and I seriously think you'd end up having to turn work down.
Rocker cover looks sweet by the way :)
It's looking fantastic. But everybody's said that already. Good to see you managed to get a lot of the ancillaries on the engine before fitting it. Saves reaching down the sides and fiddling when it is in situ.
looking great mate, you'll have it up and running in a few weeks, i think you needs to do a 110 next or a series :D

Cheers James :) Hopefully so, theirs also a few projects I'd like to do in the future :D I'd love to restore a Series 1, a 130 dcpu would be nice too, oh and a 6x6 :oops: just because really :oops:
I stick to 90's because they fit where I have to work pretty well :)

He's right you know. You aren't afraid of the graft and dirty bits a lot of people don't like doing and I really think people would be more than happy to pay you to clean up and rejuvenate their engines inside and out!
A cheap (relatively) unit where you can make noise and all your pictures collected into a portfolio and I seriously think you'd end up having to turn work down.
Rocker cover looks sweet by the way :)

Cheers mate :) You may be right, but the relatively cheap unit is the hard part, I have been looking on and off for the best part of 2 years and everything I seem to see locally seems to be humongous 1000s of sq-ft warehouses or silly expensive rental :(
If they wasn't so much, I would have one for my own projects, and look at it that anything over and above would be a bonus.

It's looking fantastic. But everybody's said that already. Good to see you managed to get a lot of the ancillaries on the engine before fitting it. Saves reaching down the sides and fiddling when it is in situ.

Cheers Brown :) yes, much easier while it was on the floor, still got a couple of bits to do, but the bulk of it is done, might as well make life easier if you can is my thinking..
I thought of another business idea for you, Aaron! Get some of those pictures made in to posters or HD Desktop backgrounds :)
It looks awesome!
Good morning chaps and chapesses, about time I updated this thread, had a 4 day weekend one before last, to A) Get the garden finished, cleaned up and filled an 8T skip. And B) Get something done on the LR.
Well it worked roughly how I wanted and managed the get the front end on finally, and it's good not to have to have a tarp thrown over the engine etc..
Set a temporary cover up as we had showers on and off all day/weekend and I didn't want to be interrupted by the weather o_O

Original inner wings, galvanised and re-fitted to wings.

Bonnet on, tarp down and that was about it for the weekend.

Other than quickly bolting the bumper on, well in a round about fashion as the holes wasn't drilled out big enough in the chassis on one side.

So the body is now fully bolted down after months of being held together with half a dozen loose ones and finally feel like I'm getting somewhere now.

Have done a little more since, but pictures are still on the camera, so will upload them when I get a mo and do another update :)
What a fantastic job your doing and have done, and in those conditions. I moan about not having a nice workshop to work in and then people do this which is the same as I have got. (a drive way and a tarp)

well done.
WOW !! - truly amazing work - a "professional" restorer would charge crazy money for that standard of finish, attention to detail and I hope you're very proud of the result. :):):):):)
I think you know I'm a fan of your work Arron, but I must say you seem to be able to outdo yourself on every project.

You have patience, determination and bloodymindedness to do the job, and the skill to do it right.

You sir, should be very very proud of yourself.

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