Anyway, I only had a couple of hours today.
The task for the day. Electrics :eek:
The rear wiring loom was a bodged up mess before. The piece the goes from the o/s to the n/s was made up from 3 bits of cable jointed together.

So I took everything into the o/s tub, and jointed a piece of trailer cable to the other side.
I used this wiring diagram to work out the colours and it was a doddle.
Reverse light had never worked. So I figured the wiring out and found a 12v connection coming out of the bulkhead plugged it in and haypresto :D

So the result is a fully working electrical system :) Makes me happy because its not my strongest point.

Good stuff!

Matey when you replaced your props did you order your bolts and nuts from LR Direct or did you pickem up from Screwfix.?! If it was screwfix you don't have a link to which ones they were do you.?!

Thanks Aaron.....ho did I mention that the roof should be white :p :D::D
Good stuff!

Matey when you replaced your props did you order your bolts and nuts from LR Direct or did you pickem up from Screwfix.?! If it was screwfix you don't have a link to which ones they were do you.?!

Thanks Aaron.....ho did I mention that the roof should be white :p :D::D

Prop bolts are special. So was bought via part number (DA1123) from LR Direct.
You're special, mate. But in a good way :D
My eyes are going around in circles looking at that wiring diagram :jaw:
Well done for working that out. You're full of surprises - and unstoppable.
Keep it coming.
Anyway, I only had a couple of hours today.
The task for the day. Electrics :eek:
The rear wiring loom was a bodged up mess before. The piece the goes from the o/s to the n/s was made up from 3 bits of cable jointed together.

So I took everything into the o/s tub, and jointed a piece of trailer cable to the other side.
I used this wiring diagram to work out the colours and it was a doddle.
Reverse light had never worked. So I figured the wiring out and found a 12v connection coming out of the bulkhead plugged it in and haypresto :D

So the result is a fully working electrical system :) Makes me happy because its not my strongest point.


Clever sod :p :)
is there a link to LR Direct? just yahoo'd it and nothing?

Goes to show how rubbish yahoo is. Why not use google like the rest of the world? First result...

But on topic, great work Aaron. White roof!
How did you prep the arches.... Anything different done to the paint to stop it flaking on the flex?
You're special, mate. But in a good way :D
My eyes are going around in circles looking at that wiring diagram :jaw:
Well done for working that out. You're full of surprises - and unstoppable.
Keep it coming.

Ah thanks mate. You're not the first one to say that :p Usually people think I'm just a weirdo. I'd tend to agree with them as I'm definitely not normal :eek:
That wiring diagram confuses me as well :5bwilly_nilly: Luckily I only need to know the colours of it. For example rear lh indicator is green/red

Thanks matey

No worries

Clever sod :p :)

As I said above. It's not bad for what I'm doing. A rewire I'd have no chance :eek:

Goes to show how rubbish yahoo is. Why not use google like the rest of the world? First result...

But on topic, great work Aaron. White roof!
How did you prep the arches.... Anything different done to the paint to stop it flaking on the flex?

Cheers :)
I used a plastic primer on 2 of them and then ran out. But I have painted a set before without plastic primer and they was fine.
I can twist them and they don't crack and they seem quite ridged compared to usual so that's a good thing.
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Had another couple of hours today. Rolling about in the bloody rain :mad:
Went through the entire underneath of it checking and tightening all the nuts/bolts. Obviously it would have been easier with the body of but I wanted to tighten the bushes etc. up with the weight on them.

Not far of now. Biggest jobs left are probably,
Prep and paint the roof. Not a job I'm looking forward to as it's a bit of a mess.

Repair/prep and paint rear door.

And fit the interior. Should be nice and easy. But I need to source a set of seats.

Obviously there's loads of ****ty little jobs to do which always take the longest. As the saying goes the last 10% takes 90% of the time
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Keep it coming mate! Make sure you take lots of pics of putting the roof on as Im taking mine off a week on saturday to do my king cab conversion i hope!!!
Keep it coming mate! Make sure you take lots of pics of putting the roof on as Im taking mine off a week on saturday to do my king cab conversion i hope!!!

Cheers mate, It'll probably be painted but I doubt it'll be fitted by then.
Going to put it in the garage out of the way until It's all finished. Then it'll just be a case of roof and back door to put on before it's test.
Don't like it being on the drive already :(
When shown the pics my wife asked if you were keeping it or selling it on;)

Great thread mate - outstanding!!
Had another few hours on it today. Decided there's no point trying to get it done to soon as I'm starting to run out of money :eek:

Fitted a new speedo cable, Fitted accelerator cable. Connected heaterbox cables.
Spaced header tank away from wing because of the bonnet.
Filled with water, Put some power steering fluid in and gave the old girl a good warm up.
Heaters lovely and toasty :D
Tried to get the over spray of the windows.
And removed gay sticker (For blackstrat :D)


Cleaned and etch primed the rear quarter chequer plate.


While that was drying I was looking at the rocker cover thinking that needs a bloody good clean.
So gave it a go over with the wire brush in the drill.
I then had a mad moment and thought ah I'll do it body colour :eek:

So cleaned it.


Etch primed.


Rear quarters painted satin black.


And rocker cover painted and lacquered. Am I becoming a big pansy doing stuff like this. :behindsofa:


And then got the winch bumper out that was on originally. The winch won't fit because of the aircon grill.
What you recon? Not sure if a standard bumper would look better.

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