Looks great mate
Just stripped my down ready for the rebuild

I wanted to ask can you use the rustoleum paint on the chassis ??

Cheers :)

You can use it on the chassis. Provided it's not a galv chassis. If it is you just need to t-wash it first.
So I got laid off from work on Tuesday evening.
Not too bad mind been doing to many hours for the last 6-7 months. So a couple of weeks off will be nice :) Mind you feck knows where the next job is coming from so a couple of weeks may soon turn into a couple of months :(

Anyway I'm a bit ####erd for stuff to do at the mo as I've got no bits yet.
So yesterday was spent making numerous orders. So the quicker the stuff gets here the better :)

Well I had a couple of hours today. Just cleaning and painting a few engine bits.

Decided to paint the turbo and exhaust manifold as it was looking a bit ropey.



Used some high temp paint so hopefully it will cope fine.


Again the intake manifold was acky.


But it cleaned up a treat


Next on the agenda was the timing chest in its usual oily mess.


Will fit new oil seals etc. when they arrive.


And started bolting a few bits to the engine.


Just a waiting game for bits now. So they best hurry the feck up :)
Hey sorry to here abour your work situation! Landy will hopefully keep your mind active! what do you do for a living? great thread by the way!
Don't let loosing your job get to you! Just gone through same after 9 years on the job, one door closes another opens. At least you got some landy time!
Hey sorry to here abour your work situation! Landy will hopefully keep your mind active! what do you do for a living? great thread by the way!

Cheers, Yeah the landy will keep me busy, Really enjoy it so ill be happy as larry :p I'd be lost if I didn't have it.
Oh and I install fire alarms, intruder, cctv, access control. Well along those lines :)

Hope you find somewhere new soon dude, keep up the good work its coming on nicely!!

Cheers :). I'll not be looking for anything new yet. It happens at the end of every job so I'm used to it. Had about 10 weeks out of work last year and about 6 weeks the year before.

Just a case of waiting for jobs to start. Although there's nothing on the horizon other than nights or working away. Neither of which I want to do :(
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Cheers, Yeah the landy will keep me busy, Really enjoy it so ill be happy as larry :p I'd be lost if I didn't have it.
Oh and I install fire alarms, intruder, cctv, access control. Well along those lines :)

Cheers :). I'll not be looking for anything new yet. It happens at the end of every job so I'm used to it. Had about 10 weeks out of work last year and about 6 weeks the year before.

Just a case of waiting for jobs to start. Although there's nothing on the horizon other than nights or working away. Neither of which I want to do :(

I know how you feel currently working 12 days away and 2 days off. landy is looking good once again keep up the good work fella.
Why dont you look at starting your own business repairing or rebuilding landies
you have a talent for it so why not use it
could do mobile work
Don't let loosing your job get to you! Just gone through same after 9 years on the job, one door closes another opens. At least you got some landy time!

To be fair loosing the job doesn't bother me short term as I've got money to live on. It's the long term that worries me :( and where I go when my current gaffa retires.
I only got into the job by accident after being out of work for 18months. So I know how hard it is and really don't want to go back to that situation.

And yeah it's nice to get some landy time. It's what I love doing so will enjoy it while I can.

I know how you feel currently working 12 days away and 2 days off. landy is looking good once again keep up the good work fella.

Wow that's ****. I don't know what your situation is but we're expected to work for standard rate for either working away or nights. Hardly makes me think yeah I'll just do it for the money.

Oh and cheers it's getting there.

Why dont you look at starting your own business repairing or rebuilding landies
you have a talent for it so why not use it
could do mobile work

I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind. It's what I enjoy and love doing.
I just don't think it's viable.
I'd do it at home but the neighbour already think I'm running a business.
All because I repair cars and there's been 4 different landrovers on the drive.
Are we not aloud to change vehicles :rolleyes:
Actually he came around a couple of weeks ago and said I hope we're not going to have a repeat of last year. (Meaning rebuilding another landrover)
And that if I am "I'll be having a visit"

And units are stupid money. I've looked before for my own projects.
But we'll see in a few years when my gaffa retires I'll probably have no where to go seeing as I haven't got a trade .

Oh and I wouldn't even no where to start to be honest. I'm a thick #### when it comes to stuff like that.
Top work as usual Aaron, great feeling isn't it having a like new rolling chassis.
sucks on the job front good luck mate :tea:
Anyway enough of me being a depressed ####.
Not allot has happened today but it's progress non the less.

Gave the intake pipes a bit of a rub down.


And a lick of paint along with a couple of pullys.


As I've said earlier in the thread I had a crunch in to 5 every now and then.
Was unsure weather or not to tackle this my self :eek:
But being the kind of person I am I bought a cheapo puller of ebay and thought I'd take a look inside.
So this got delivered this afternoon.


Took the bell housing and selector housings off.


Drained the oil out. Lots of swarf on the plug.


The oil was a rather funny looking colour :confused:


Extension case filter picked up a lot of ****.


Anyhow said el' cheapo puller pulled the collar of nice and easy.
Aint life easy when you have the right tools for the job :)


And got the extension case off. Just not sure if I want to carry on :eek:


Aaron this is looking 10x better than the last one.

Definitely a shame about your work situation but look at it this way....you've now got time to sort out the landy whilst you look for something more long term, something you enjoy. Price of units can be expensive, but if you look around there are some great deals out there! I certainly wouldn't hesitate to bring my defender to you having seen your work close up.

Looking forward to seeing this one in person next week mate....! :)
Top work as usual Aaron, great feeling isn't it having a like new rolling chassis.
sucks on the job front good luck mate :tea:
Cheers Sam. Yeah I get great satisfaction out of it. Knowing that something a month or so ago was a rust bucket is now as new :)

And I'm sure the work situation will sort it's self shortly :tea:

Aaron this is looking 10x better than the last one.

Definitely a shame about your work situation but look at it this way....you've now got time to sort out the landy whilst you look for something more long term, something you enjoy. Price of units can be expensive, but if you look around there are some great deals out there! I certainly wouldn't hesitate to bring my defender to you having seen your work close up.

Looking forward to seeing this one in person next week mate....! :)

I would agree it's a better start than the last one :) I just hope the rest turns out as good.

If I'm honest I've dissed the thought out of my head. I think it's just a pipe dream that wont happen.
Yes I enjoy doing it but would it pay a wage? I really don't know.

Oh and see you next week mate. Not a lot will have changed between now and then I'd have thought.

get stuck into it mate your a natural!

Yeah I will try most things, I 've just never delved into a gearbox before.
Evening folk :)

Slow progress again today.

Decided to remove the 5th gear synchro assembly to check for wear.
All the gears look fine with no chipped teeth etc.


So removed baulk ring to check condition.



So with the baulk ring removed I couldn't see a lot wrong.
So James martin tells me if there's less than 25thou gap then baulk ring in fecked.

25thou feeler gauge was a snug fit so I'm going to change it.


With that out of the way. I gave the gearbox a good clean, wire bushing and a lick of paint.


Will get a better pic tomorrow when it's had another coat and it's dry.


Next job was to clean up the extension housing.


And then the bell housing.



Any way a quick question.
Should I paint the extension housing and bell housing or leave them as is?
Thoughts please :)
Hey aaron! what do you clean your parts with? i cleaned up a 72 midget (engine, gearbox) a hew years back and it didnt look half as good as your stuff!

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