
Anyone had cause to use a breakdown service , if so do you think they delivered, or were they crap. I’ve been with a few over the years, and in my humble opinion the rac are so much better than other companies.
Green flag every time none of this our driver only covers a certain area cr@p & you need to change recovery wagons
a few times, 2 days to get back from France ffs AA suck... never used rac.
Green flag 1 truck all they way home from Kent to Argyll Scotland & again from Cornwall to Argyll first class service
well worth the 45 quid :)
Green flag for me. Only used them 3 times in 10 years got recovered twice. The 1st time the car fixed itself which is lucky cos the recovery driver said I think it's that starter motor there, don't think so mate, thats the alternator :)
Much depends on WHERE you breakdown. Up here it doesn't matter which organisation you are with, it is the same garage that will attend regardless. :D
See you soon!!!! :p
You want to try the A82 these days....pure carnage! We have only had one fatacc this week! :D

Im not too far from the A82 its mental this time of year, I wanted to go for a bite to eat to Ardlui Hotel
(they do an amazing steak pie) got about a mile from Tarbet & the usual motorbike accident so about
turned & went up the rest & be thankful to Oban to see my mate at the seafood restaurant & stuffed
my face with mussels, scallops & oysters lurvly :D
We have a bank account that costs so much a month but provides breakdown cover, travel insurance and mobile phone insurance. Had to use the breakdown cover a few weeks ago and they were fine.

Sad sight though.
I'm with the RAC and they said my 90 was a 'specialist' vehicle :rolleyes: they sent an independent who had to drive 100 miles to get to me, then the 95 miles to get me home then goodness knows how many miles to his base o_O
The driver was very good, not his fault they sent him but it took half a day to get home from the initial call :)
I'm with the AA, I can't remember how much it costs but it's a lot more than when I first joined 20 years ago. In that time, I've had to call them out three times, twice for punctures on motorbikes and once to recover my series 3 the day I bought it. On each occasion, I've had to wait more than 3 hours for a truck to arrive. When the landy broke down on the motorway, they sent a recovery truck after 3 hours and it only took me as far as Clacket Lane Services where I had to wait another 5 hours before another truck could take me and the landy home. Annoying as it is to be waiting for ages, it's still better than not having the piece of mind of a breakdown service.

AA for me, been with them for years, gold membership now, lol,
£145 membership for 3 family members in any vehicle, I have relay and roadside assistance.
When the gearbox went on the D3 outside my house they allowed me to pay £60 to upgrade to homestart, then they ferried the D3 200mile to Bristol Transmissions for new box fitting and brought it back a week later.
Also get between 25-40% off at restaurants as a gold member so over the year I save more than the premium.
RAC, lastime was a 140 Mile lift home, was 4 hours before they got to me, but hey ho.

Personal cover. Each year until this , I have phoned and got discount on the policy to a new member price. This year was actually lower than the online new member price.

We have a bank account that costs so much a month but provides breakdown cover, travel insurance and mobile phone insurance. Had to use the breakdown cover a few weeks ago and they were fine.
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Sad sight though.
Your lucky, I had one of those packaged bank accounts, when my D2 prop went they only took me to the nearest garage and left . Cost me another £230 to get home. Cancelled the account next day.
Had a bad experince with GF donkeys years ago - I expect they will have improved somewhat ( they could NOT have got worse ).

Been with the AA for years now, for two reasons - First no vehicle age limit, and Second, they always send their own folk .... this is important to us, given we take our holidays in a place where the local, er, "garage" are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard - they even managed to drop the oil out of an Alfa Romeo onto grass - I still can't figure out what they thought they were doing :confused:

Having just checked prices, we have AA cover cheaper than GF too :)
Today I've received our AA quote for the coming year. Two cars, my wife's Citroen and my D2. Up from about £140.00 last year to £224.10. Looked at Green Flag and it seems to be under £140.00 with relay. So time to hunt round to get the best but the AA not sure now, was okay when the propshaft went last year. Two hours wait but got me back home thankfully.
Today I've received our AA quote for the coming year. Two cars, my wife's Citroen and my D2. Up from about £140.00 last year to £224.10. Looked at Green Flag and it seems to be under £140.00 with relay. So time to hunt round to get the best but the AA not sure now, was okay when the propshaft went last year. Two hours wait but got me back home thankfully.

They try that with us most years :rolleyes: - I've found I have to play their game of it being cheaper with "X" and if they don't reduce the price, let them ring you back close to the contract date :rolleyes::rolleyes: - I found out this year that their contract date isn't an expiration of cover - they have a grace period ..... and simply backdate the cover if you renew after the contract date o_O .......
Today I've received our AA quote for the coming year. Two cars, my wife's Citroen and my D2. Up from about £140.00 last year to £224.10. Looked at Green Flag and it seems to be under £140.00 with relay. So time to hunt round to get the best but the AA not sure now, was okay when the propshaft went last year. Two hours wait but got me back home thankfully.

Ring and re-negotiate, with the figures to hand from the other major players ...

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