I believe the AA & the RAC have always covered the member rather than the vehicle (apart from some special fleet etc policies) where as the younger upstarts covered the vehicle, that was how they kept their rates down (they could control the age of vehicle they covered. I don't think that's the case any more, it just shows the importance of checking what you are actually paying for before parting with your money.
AA left me and my heavily pregnant mrs completely stranded on the Liskeard bypass a few years ago in a dead alfa, said they would EITHER take us home or to the alfa garage (2 in the morning) despite home being 2 miles off the route to the garage, and the garage being 100 miles away. Had to get her home then pay a fortune next morning to get the car to garage! Wouldn't touch em with yours now!
My other vehicle (L200) gets covered by mitsi if you get it serviced at their dealers for £15 and lasts as long as the service interval, good service too.
The Landie is covered with the insurance poliy (Adrian Flux) as it covers the off road use too :)
Just to throw another breakdown/recovery name into the pot, my trooper has Europ Assist as a recovery agent. I had to use them once and it seems they just have a network of links to local garages. Ive stayed with them because they gave really good service when I needed it!:)
My Landie is insured by Lancaster with breakdown assistance. I imagine they will have a similar network of tame garages!:confused:

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