
New Member

I have been checking in and out of thiw forum for years, but have not posted until now... because now things are about to get serious :)

I bought a money pit of an L322 RR Vogue a few years ago. It turned me so insane that this fall I went out and purchased a 1962 Series iia SWB 2,25 petrol left han drive, just to punish myself for having bought the evil RR.

The iia used to belong to the Norwegian Geological Institute and is the last known specimen of its kind... It was an essential part in building the country in one of the most important times in the history of Norway (when we started exploring for oil). The car still carries the royal insignia on the doors and will be, by novice me, restored back to its former glory. As such, I will need to befriend the Brittish LR maniacs to pick your brains... After all, who knows more about stale ale, Land Rovers, and posessed electronics than you lot? So, the viking comes to you in peace, and with a genuine feeling of remorse and regret for my kin having raped and pillaged your fine country not so long ago (seems like brits remember all their wars like it was yesterday).

Oh... I'm a fourty year old internet marketer with a keen interest in old crap that seems to explode once it enters my property, with no plan or skill to manage any of it... It is accumulating and growing like mould on cheese... It never really seems to reassemble themselves like I expected either... Scooters, cars, boats, tractors... Even the house is old and in peaces. Too much stuff, too little skill and time. Luckily I have a forgiving vife and children

Peace out for now,

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Welcome Joachim:welcome2:
I think you'll find the Brits mainly like to remember the wars they won. Anyway, what's a bit of berserker skirmishing amongst friends.:mil9:
Welcome Joachim:welcome2:
I think you'll find the Brits mainly like to remember the wars they won. Anyway, what's a bit of berserker skirmishing amongst friends.:mil9:

you forgot they liked shagging your women and taking your gold:lol:

And welcome Joachim
I'm in the same boat with my 2a, so I don't think I'd be much help.

As for the Viking thing, I can forgive that, seeing as some of them were probably my ancestors. ;)

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