Mark Upton

New Member
My advantage is that I now live in southern Spain 2 hours drive from Algeciras making a crossing in to Morocco easy for us to make. The trouble is...I dare not do it without some sort of back up and I am reluctant to give an organised company over £500 per head :eek: to follow them.

Surely there must be other like minded people out there who fancy getting together for a week or two seeing the Atlas mountain range?

You know what it's in numbers, if one breaks down or gets stuck then others may be able to help even if just to alert a garage or a mechanic, or just to simply hold the instructions so a tent can be erected properly.

Any thoughts or suggestions? :confused:
Hi There

I am also looking for somebody to join me to go to Morocco! I am planning to leave somewhere around the 20th of december and stay for 3-4 weeks! Spending new years on " le plage blanc " If timing is ok for you we could drive together?!

Take care


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