
New Member
This is my first series so I'm not sure what I should expect in terms of performance. I am more than aware that the 'sport' for which they were designed is far from anything resemling tarmac, so I don't expect it to be fast. It does seem to have a mind of its own tho'. Some trips it feels far more responsive and up-beat than other trips. It also has some visible exaust fumes sometimes. What might be causing this?


Ross. :D
all depends on the colour of yer xost fumes. are they black,white,grey,blue or pink? rich..white=possible head gasket..grey= same as have a gaylander
if its a petrol engine and its done 450k miles. its probably a bit shagged out by now.
All old series will smoke a bit especially on start up, once running though, on mine, the exhaust is clean, with a bit of blue when you put your foot down or hauling away from lights. Unless it's excessive or white coloured i wouldn't worry too much about it. Mine's a diesel though.

What engine you got?
its 2.25 petrol, gonna try new head gasket and see what happens. There does seem to be a lot of smoke, I've known plenty of others a lot cleaner than this.
ffs lad,do a compression test on it before you start taking it apart. you still ain't told us what colour smoke you got
Head Gasket just to see what happens!!! Fricken Hell. As the Slob said what colour smoke, compresion test, using oil, colour of oil/water, ignition, sediment bowl, blah, bl....... You should rule out all the obvious simple stuff first befor you start shearing off head bolts just to find out what happens. Sheesh! :)
It's possible that the bladder inside the crankcase emission valve is buggered / perished. This will give excessive smoke randomly. It's literally a 2 minute fix.

Regards WP.
Sorry guys, I'll not be so haisty! I'm still a beginner really. It's white smoke. There doesn't seem to be any power loss on the hills, but again, I don't really know what to expect.

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