I have been offered 2 discos last month one was £300 Tdi HGF and one wanted £500 biut it had some MOT left and wasn't too bad. I was tempted with the first one as I may have got it for 250 as I know I coulda sold the diffs but the rest of the car was worthless to me. Gearbox most probably scrap worn splines tranny box what they go for now not alot and nowhere to strip it. gave up on the idea. I guess they are holding their value because of the snow but hey I didn't realise that they were going for so much these days. I know Series prices have taken off and defenders have a strong hold.
dear lord

that bumper is A lethal and B lethal

hope you have never used those tow bars to do ANYTHING
I bet he wishes he'd said fook all now:doh: As Winston Churchill said, " Sometimes it is better to say nothing and look stupid, than to open yer mouth and remove all doubt":D:D:D

now thats a quote i like. the l plate says a lot but hey we all do daft things i mean we were volvo owners until common sence prevailed. ron.
now thats a quote i like. the l plate says a lot but hey we all do daft things i mean we were volvo owners until common sence prevailed. ron.
You're welcome Ron. As a serving Soldier I have founds it works on many occasions and many levels:D:D
Too fast for the conditions, so totally your fault. You ****ING PRAT. I doubt if you are even road legal, then to come on here bragging.COCK

Who the ****ing do you think you are. I am fully road legal. and so is my truck. and for your information i was not bragging at all. So i have no idea where you got that from. why don't you crawl under that rock you came from and mind your own bussiness. The L plates belong to my wife. Prat is that the best you could come up with.
thankyou for some of your views. Yes the insurance company know, about all my modifications. The number plate was attached to front of the vehicle, at the time.
As it turns out it is only minor damage. New slam panel, new bonnet, new n/s front wing, 4 new radiators, and front lights. It is all stripped ready for the repair work to be done. There is no chassis damage. and the ugly bumper is okay. So minor work. A couple of days work if that.
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Are you a driving instructor....? If not, you were not road legal... You are not allowed to display L plate's when someone with a "Proper" Driving Licence is behind the wheel.
if the l plates belong to your wife and she was sitting by the side of you i am afraid you did not set a very good example i strongly suggests that she takes lessons from a QUALIFIED DRIVING INSRUCTOR!!!! from what has been said you were probably travelling too close for the conditions,, but saying that we all make mistakes and fortunatley no one was hurt other than a little dented pride perhaps, hope you get it fixed and sorted asap, i wish no offence by my post but i have been involved in vehicle salvage for some years and have seen what damage is done by so called good drivers that travel too close usualy ending in fatalities the last one i attended was a people carrier which had two kids in the back hit from behind by a transit van , the driver of the van was shaken two kids in the back of the car died,, so please people take care and drive carefully. END OF LECTURE!!! ron.
I can't believe you hit the back of the truck so hard that you ripped off it's rear bumper and wedged it in the front of yer grill.:D:D:D
In picture 3 it looks like you've got a lamp post for a snorkel.

How did you fit that - always thought they were heavy but yours appears light:D
Technicaly no part of a vehicle is meant to protrude more than 2" from the bumpers. I belive thats one of the reason for landys to have the old grab handles on the rear as the tow hitch sits flush,

As said L plates are a no noi unless you a being a gent and covering for the missus.

When you say truck do you mean 7.5ton+ vehicle or another 4x4. if its a 7.5ton+ then you defo wernt looking or far too close.

Glad no one was injured thou thats a main thing metal and plastic can be welded and bought but people cant .
and as always on this site you get the ****ers.... the ones that think there something awesome... well guys your not your a bunch of ****ing idiots, you probably have few friends and the ones you do have you bullied them into it.... this guy put something on here for a bit of advise and help to get it back on the road and all you can do is take the ****, i actually hope you nobs write yours off and i hope its worse so we can rip the ****ing ****e out of you..... but to be honest my experience of bullys you'll just break down in tears because lets face it.... your ****ing pricks anyway! we really should have a section on here for the lowest of low lifes.....
i actually feel sorry for the people who come on this site looking for actual advise and help... because its bloody rare to come by,
anyway softie we'll have it up and running soon !
and as always on this site you get the ****ers.... the ones that think there something awesome... well guys your not your a bunch of ****ing idiots, you probably have few friends and the ones you do have you bullied them into it.... this guy put something on here for a bit of advise and help to get it back on the road and all you can do is take the ****, i actually hope you nobs write yours off and i hope its worse so we can rip the ****ing ****e out of you..... but to be honest my experience of bullys you'll just break down in tears because lets face it.... your ****ing pricks anyway! we really should have a section on here for the lowest of low lifes.....
i actually feel sorry for the people who come on this site looking for actual advise and help... because its bloody rare to come by,
anyway softie we'll have it up and running soon !

**** off
@ Ugly Duck ...

If you follow the threads you will find that just about everyone gets the advic and help that is asked for!

After that, it's something called 'banter', where almost anything goes!!

Live with it!!

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