
I consider myself to be an experienced off-reader and I like to think I know what I am doing. However just a quick reminder to you all out there...........

After an excellent 2 days on Salisbury Plain getting wet and muddy I took the truck home and being a bit tired decided that I would clean it later and give it the usual checks later- that's when it went wrong :eek:

I did not clean the car and I drove it for about 100 miles!!! Then the power started to drop and it just would to go up hills - sound familiar???

I opened the bonnet and looked in amazement - the inter cooler top hose had collapsed on itself as the engine ran. Undoing it the engine ran a bit better so I put in on and revved the engine and watched as the hose collapsed again. Best I check the air filter I thought...........:clap2:

Cutting a long story short the air filter was shredded to bits and was halfway up the intake!! Oh bollox this explains things.............:(

Off came the inter cooler and pipes and a long cleaning job then took place as I removed the grunge from the intercooler. Basically it looked like hundreds of bits of wet paper blocking the innards of the cooler......:mad:

Since putting it back together the engine has run well and it appears that I have got away with it this time.

The moral of the story is clear:

1. How waterproof is your snorkel?? It's quite clear that mine needed some TLC and i had not given it that.........

2. Check your truck after using it and do not be a cock like I was and put things off.

A tale of woe and I have been lucky - I hope others do not make the same basic error

Happy driving


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