
New Member
If you removed the fuel return pipe off of 1 injector, and turned on the
ignition, would you have fuel ****ing out of it!!

Im talkin TD4
I don't think there is a return line as such. The small diameter cloth covered pipes are injector leak off and don't see system pressure.

With the engine not running you will just get the residual fuel in the leak off pipe (cloth covered one) dripping out but if the engine is running yes it will p--s out.
Interestin one this..

Cos i unplugged the return pipe(cloth covered) from No1 injector
and switched on the ignition, un fuel ****ed out!! (engine not runnin)

Which is wot i would expect, cos the fuel pump is runnin, un the fuel
has to go sumwhere? its not being used by the engine cos it aint

But L/R stealers say different:( :confused:

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