
New Member
Hey all,

in july i am planning to go green laning / camping for a week i wanted to sample some of the lanes ect in the south west of england, anyone know of any good areas down there?

I know the rangers down here dont like it unless you are in a tractor but there must be somewhere.

kind regards and Muddy bits
Don't know any specific ones (I lived in Bourenmouth prior to the NERC bill - the governement bill that closed a lot of lanes - so I wouldn't want to give you a bunch of places that could no longer be driven), but there is still a lot available to you down that way.

Get yourself a Landranger or the larger scale Explorer map of the area you fancy (I prefer the Explorer now for the detail), find some Byways and get out there.

I would recommend visiting the GLASS site: Green Lane Association Ltd. - Home for the good advice & guidance, & if you find yourself getting out laning regularly and enjoying it, even join them!

If you are on a legal right of way & behaving responsibly, no Ranger or plod for that matter can do a damned thing about it!

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