I shall be facing the mudflap dilemma at some point cos the exhaust on my 109 station wagon actually passes through a hole in the near side flap. I can't believ this was original so I spose a previous owner has bodged the exhaust. The exhaust is pretty rusty but not yet blowing, when it does and I replace it with a proper one, I'm going to be left with a bloody great hole in one of the mud flaps.

Well after a bit of a delay due to wedding postponements through covid I have finally got around to changing these out. I ordered some plain black mudguards, and a paint pen to test it. This is the results on the old mudguard, so with a bit of time and patience and several more paint pens I should be able to make a reasonable go of it. the "O" was the last letter I did and you can see a huge improvement compared to the others. how long it lasts will be the real question but as long as it looks good for wedding photos it does not matter so much after that.

Plasticoat / plastidip yellow flexible rubber paint is what I used. Took 3 coats but remained flexible and gave a nice finish.

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