
New Member
Is there a book on the subject of building a 100" Hybrid?

A definitive work that covers most of the do's and don'ts?

Or is it the case that all are built as one off's?

I have a Disco I and can get all I need from various sources of mili LR parts, I just need to know if anyone has come across a book on the subject.

I would love to do it, I have most of the skills required, just that I am without any personal acquaintances that have any interest in Landies and so would have to approach this project with a constant risk off going wrong or wasting money, but for the input of someone who 'knows'.

And to sit on this forum just poaching all the info off of you lot would be very long-winded and fraught with miss-understanding and inuendo!

I have been reading this site for long enough to know how many mickey-takers there are here.


Is there a book on the subject of building a 100" Hybrid?

A definitive work that covers most of the do's and don'ts?

Or is it the case that all are built as one off's?

I have a Disco I and can get all I need from various sources of mili LR parts, I just need to know if anyone has come across a book on the subject.

I would love to do it, I have most of the skills required, just that I am without any personal acquaintances that have any interest in Landies and so would have to approach this project with a constant risk off going wrong or wasting money, but for the input of someone who 'knows'.

And to sit on this forum just poaching all the info off of you lot would be very long-winded and fraught with miss-understanding and inuendo!

I have been reading this site for long enough to know how many mickey-takers there are here.



OY! I've telled Redhand and I has ter tell you! I'm the only 'Hybrid' on here wi a capital 'H'!! :rolleyes: Hehehe!
most 100"ers are one offs. everyone follows the same guide lines but does their own thing with it. its really easy to do as long as you think about what you are doing.remember, measure twice, cut once ;)
to be honest hb, yours aint really a hybrid, its just a defender wi a tdi injin, wheras an undred incher is a proper Hybrid, so i reckon he deserves the capital H more than u ;)
Is there a book on the subject of building a 100" Hybrid?

A definitive work that covers most of the do's and don'ts?

Or is it the case that all are built as one off's?

I have a Disco I and can get all I need from various sources of mili LR parts, I just need to know if anyone has come across a book on the subject.

I would love to do it, I have most of the skills required, just that I am without any personal acquaintances that have any interest in Landies and so would have to approach this project with a constant risk off going wrong or wasting money, but for the input of someone who 'knows'.

And to sit on this forum just poaching all the info off of you lot would be very long-winded and fraught with miss-understanding and inuendo!

I have been reading this site for long enough to know how many mickey-takers there are here.


Hi there mate, not sure about books on building 100" hybrid, but i am building one at the moment & i can tell you that you have to make sure you measure very carefuly before cutting any body/chassis parts. Make sure you have a solid idea of what you want the finnished beast to look like. Changing your plans half way through or changing them as you go along, will have the poor thing looking like a dogs dinner! If you have'nt got the DVD, a 4x4 is born, i would suggest you buy it & watch it, it's quite interesting & you might get a few ideas along the way. Im building mine as a hard top, not the usual truck cab.I would strongly advise you to take photos of everything, right from the start & put them on a file on your computer for future reference. You WILL need them later!! If you like i could send you some photos to look over to get you truly hooked & take the plunge!! just give me a shout with your email address & i'll send them.
building a "proper" hybrid isnt't difficult, as long as you have a rolling 100 inch chassis and a tape measure. you need the exact, and i mean spot on, measurement for the bulhead out riggers and then the rest is a piece of ****
Thanks for the input so far.

I had wondered which item would be the most measurement sensitive and had guessed correctly with it being the bulkhead.

I have the donor tub, seat box and hard-top, I just need to source a bulkhead.

A local 4x4 place here in Swindon can supply the outriggers and a lot of the odd bits.

I am going to build my own wiring harness, that being one of the things I am very good at.

Hardtop100, pm sent to ya.


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