As requested, here is a pic of my recently purchased 130.

The idea is to use it as a camper over the winter and build a new camper body next year.

Completed a 300 mile round trip yesterday and it goes well.

The Hedge.jpg
Looks good, need to get the roller out and remove the "camo" on the rear body though. You replacing the whole rear body or just refitting the interior of the one there into a camper?
Looks good, need to get the roller out and remove the "camo" on the rear body though. You replacing the whole rear body or just refitting the interior of the one there into a camper?

I'll replace the complete body and use the current one as a bike shed at home.

My good lady is a graphic designer for a very large retail outlet. The body is hand painted. She said that the artwork was to a level that they would pay for to put on product.
@Hicap phill Hi Phill, nope, the body will be mounted to the chassis. We wanted a camper that was more capable than our VW T5, as we like to spend some of the winter in the north of Scotland and Scandinavia. This will let us explore more of each area, with less concern for getting stuck.
That looks fantastic! You will certainly be living the dream :)
Will the new back be colour matched to the cab?

Cheers. It's going to be great. We loved the T5 (which we built) but we want the vehicle to be more capable.

The back will probably white, so yup, it will match the cab.
Fitted a eberspacher to the living in my lorry. Lovely & warm. Going to put night heater into the landy fed up with the cold.
Good luck with the conversion
I can see now why you were after the roof to make a walk through. ;)
Fitted a eberspacher to the living in my lorry. Lovely & warm. Going to put night heater into the landy fed up with the cold.
Good luck with the conversion
I can see now why you were after the roof to make a walk through. ;)

The Eberspacher is expensive, but worth every penny.
Yup, a walk through is a luxury. Park up, its raining, no need to get out. Also good for stealth camping, as you are not opening and closing doors. .
Did thee buy that orft the bay? I seen this advertised, int the paintwork on the body custom and weren’t there some interesting sales narrative?

Well done, great starting point, n nice looking truck. :cool:
@doriz I bought it after it came off the bay. To be fair, the guy was cool. We were selling our camper via the bay, and man, there were a lot of idiots contacting us. It was miserable in the end. I can understand his frustration. The guy we bought it from hand, painted it. It's not to everybody's taste, but it's beautifully done.

Yup, I think it's a cracking start for what we want. We'll use to over winter with the Quadtec box and test some of the equipment that we want to use in the final version.

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