
Active Member
Basicly me and my mates wanna go to a pay n play ive been to a few now but all seem to much for there cars except mates disco

theres me and my mate in discos , a terriono with normal road tyres no snorkel then a gaylander with allterrians no snorkel

need a place around midlands thats not to watery

rockys good and a bit off mud
They dont live close and dont wanna travel my end as whitworth is sort off ideal but is there any others ? Parkwood isnt an option ever as they want documents ect ect
Basicly me and my mates wanna go to a pay n play ive been to a few now but all seem to much for there cars except mates disco

theres me and my mate in discos , a terriono with normal road tyres no snorkel then a gaylander with allterrians no snorkel

need a place around midlands thats not to watery

rockys good and a bit off mud
They dont live close and dont wanna travel my end as whitworth is sort off ideal but is there any others ? Parkwood isnt an option ever as they want documents ect ect

whats the problem with them wanting docs, are you not legal
Sorry mate but if you can't provide documents why would anyone want to use a p&p site that allows that?
We spend a lot of money on our vehicles, some are daily drives and I for one would not want to see a bemused look and hear the words "soz mate" if I was hit by someone acting a clown with a £300 scrapper at a p&p.
Providing docs gives everyone some sort of hope that you take it somewhat semi seriously and are not wanting to just wreck a vehicle before it goes to the scrappers.
I think tresspassing may suit you quarries and take yer pick.
A site in Warwickshire used to allow snotters and clowns who want to roll vehicles.

Not sure if they still do.
U got me wrong lads plus its not me thats the problem on off my mates in his nissan its not road worthy and not road legal and will be trailered thats what i ment from it
We have already decided on rothwell now hes gona risk it as he dont have a snorkel and on small tyres but they are all terrians
arnt all pay and plays at your own risk anyway i always though if u crash your landy or whatever then u would pay for it
obviously is someone when into me and cause damage i would be asking for money ect,
u dont go pay and plays with 10k+ cars
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The majority i see are 5k usually ish and there the 90s
most are cheap sj's discos jimmys n stuff like that the odd land cruiser ect
Sadly you have no control over idiots in throwaway ****ters though. I avoid a place like that.

Which is why im careful! If I do go to 'big' P&Ps I steer well clear of the cheaper 4x4s and well away from challange trucks!

Never had a crash or near miss, except once when I accidently reversed (very slowly) into a big red Disco.. Was alright though my spare tyre just nudged his bull bars :D Appologised profusely of course!
I thought P&Ps were like trackdays, if you havent got cover then if anything happens you are screwed? Personally if I had a motor worth a lot I dont think I would be wrecking it at a P&P lol.
To be fair most damage ive ever done at a P&P was a big gash in the drivers door, which was beautifully covered over with some well made/place chequer plate! Done a few starters & Alternators but that was my fault for driving through marsh...
have you bin to weston coyney (tick hill) last time was there lots of trailered motors there never had to show documents but you do get the idiots trying to roll there sj's over for fun then expecting help
There's a difference between a trailered built motor that demands respect and a trailered scrapper that shouldn't be there.

If you have a road legal only site you can often prearrange with the organiser to use a non legal vehicle, sometimes it is a blanket ban but often they are just trying to keep the standard up and if you bring a competition truck and don't appear to be a twazzock/scally or car thief you will usually be ok.

There are a good few people that have 10k+ plus in their vehicles actually, i know it's possible on a £300 disco so it's very easy on a 5k 90.

Without trying to get a lecture on the go, what's wrong with the Terrano so that it can't be road registered?
Its not got tax n test , it will have after new year but atm hes using one off his other cars on the road then hes putting that away soon for winter , "performance car" and will be using the nissan then
its not a scrapper ect its quite a nice car its juat doesnt have alot off off road stuff on it but am twisting his arm atm to get a lift kit and snorkel lol but yer i under stand all your point off views but think you have got the wrong idea about us / what we want to do.
I too have seen them lads that go there in a ****ter just to wreck it , however this is certainly not the case
was just asking about people experiance on the terrians one thats got a good mix off things but looks like were going rothwell this month
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Most offroad sites have mixed terrain, i mean you could say the better ones are the ones that ARE driveable by standard cars...

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