I can't stand them. I find the little lines incredibly distracting. It looks like the screen is covered in muck and my biggest pet hates when it comes to driving is a dirty windscreen!

Besides, a can of de-icer is cheap enough. ;)

I'm with you on that ,my D2's screen is cracked and the replacement will not be heated.
An update is in order today folks.

We had a decent 45 minute test drive of a 110 XS Station Wagon yesterday. We drove about 28 miles, including some motorway and a decent A road. I have to say it was different from anything I've driven recently, but I liked it very much.

My wife was daunted by just how big it looked on first seeing it, and I'll admit it did seem huge, but on the road that soon disappeared.

Back at the showroom, the salesman was busy helping another customer who was collecting his new Discovery, so we had some time to kill. There was a new 90 Hard Top on display and I started to think it might be big enough for me if I rationalised the years of collected junk I drag about in my Berlingo.

A quick run over the back with my tape measure started to look promising. I hadn't realised they are wider than they are high or long. I'm going to draw out the basic size in chalk on the ground today and see how my kit would fit in. I know the 110's loadspace would be a lot larger than the Berlingo's, but as I rarely use all of that, I reckon we could be on for a new 90 instead, which in truth is what I've always really wanted.

Either way, I'll be back to see the dealer on Monday if we decide to go ahead over the weekend and I'll keep you posted of course.
If you think the warranty is a selling point, spend an hour reading the terms & conditions, I have no idea what a LR main dealer warranty is like, but if it has one from "World of Warranty" run a mile, as fast as you can, I just wasted half my life chasing payout, now going to FSA ombudsman as they still refuse to pay out.

Realize you are NOT the customer of the warranty company, the ins underwriters are, you are their enemy, and they treat you as such.
great news joe
you do realise that you can get a roof cage for the vehicle dont you? (if you trawl ebay you can see what they look like (not like a normal roof rack) and you can fit loads and loads in there.
only a suggestion if you cant get all your stuff inside.
Thanks as always folks.

The warranty will be from Land Rover (ie the manufacturer) themselves as it will be a brand new vehicle Pumpy. Have you asked Honest John about your warranty problems:

Honest John

I've always found him very helpful indeed.

I've done the measuring today and I'm very pleased to say I think a 90 will be big enough, albeit quite well filled. The roof cage is a jolly good idea, but my kit needs to be in the dry unfortunately. I've already 'rationalised' some of it today (goodness knows why I didn't do it years ago) and I'm certain there's more space saving to be had with a bit of ruthless pruning.
Oh hell, now I've turned into 'Dave', the Fast Show character who couldn't make his mind up about anything.

We've been for a walk this morning and looked at some of the local Land Rovers (there are around a dozen) scattered about our village. Out of the blue, my wife said perhaps I ought to go for the 110 instead. They didn't seem quite as big today as the one we drove on Friday looked at the time.

She's probably right, as there are occasions when I need to fit bigger things into the current van. I had to fit two boxes with a shower door and panel in a couple of months ago and I can usually manage them with a squeeze, whereas in a 90, I simply wouldn't be able to.

Can I read anything into the fact that there seem to be very few new 63 registered 110 vans on the market at present whereas there are lots of 90s? Do the 110s hold their value any better?

Thanks folks.
The 110 seem to hold their prices about the same the 110 csw probably the best of all . The 90 is probably more popular due the size and requirements of most buyers, not requiring the extra space a 110 affords . The 110 gives a better ride and drive JMHO , and I have both so no real bias. I find the 90 a good runabout , utilty type vehicle but quite often the limited length in the back is a pain . But as they say horses for courses , so its what your amalgamation of needs are that govern the final choice , but if in doubt go 110 HTSH
Thanks very much. That's a great help and I've a feeling my salesman is now going to have a slightly bigger turkey this Christmas as a result!
Thanks very much. That's a great help and I've a feeling my salesman is now going to have a slightly bigger turkey this Christmas as a result!

joe,wait until the last few days in this month before you place your order,he will have a monthly quota to reach.if you wait until then you will get a better discount.;);)
Hmm, that's an interesting thought, thank you. I'll have to consider that carefully, but he's already doing me a pretty good deal and I'm not a great one for haggling.
Hmm, that's an interesting thought, thank you. I'll have to consider that carefully, but he's already doing me a pretty good deal and I'm not a great one for haggling.

joe,do as i say and you will get a much better deal,believe me.;);););););):D
Er, okay, thank you. Does it have to be just before Christmas or literally the end of the year?

anytime in the last week,but the later the better.if he does not meet his targets he gets no bonus,so he will do anything to get his sales.when you go in umm and ahh about the price,ask for free fuel,mats tax etc etc.:D:D.ps if he wont budge on price,then he will have reached his target,but it is worth a try.
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Thanks again, that's much appreciated. I'll have to give this some serious thought (but knowing me, I'll be on here tomorrow having bought one!)
Thanks again, that's much appreciated. I'll have to give this some serious thought (but knowing me, I'll be on here tomorrow having bought one!)

the garage and landy will still be there in a week or so,the money they cost is a great deal of your hard earned.so do as i suggest and get a better deal and save a few quid,or get more for your money by asking for any bits and pieces you might want to add on it.;):D:D

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