Agreed, so I just bought a set!

Mackers tratter is posh though, he's got a heated rear windscreen! Soft northerners.......
It's the scots where it came from that are soft. I'm thinking of ripping it off like a true Northerner. Southerners don't need one anyway. They only stay south of Watford 'cos it's warmer. Spiders are bigger though. :D:D:D:D:D:eek:
S'right, so fancy he has lamps for indicating nuffink at all! :D
Yer right there actually. Not just the amber nipple. There were a couple of coloured plastic squares not linked up. One was 24 Volts and the body with a seat belt doesn't light up when I put my seat belt on. The clock and fag lighter are lit by one at the end too.
And now your whole face lights up Green as you drive around at night, I have a Blue one. Great at Halloween!
If the Amber light wasn't connected to anything at least you have a spare warning light for something now.
And now your whole face lights up Green as you drive around at night, I have a Blue one. Great at Halloween!
woulda been green if I'd bought white, though I thought it was the dash face that was coloured with acetate stickers. Perished green plastic bulbous things sunk into back of dash, but you'll know that if you've changed yours anyway.
Yer right there actually. Not just the amber nipple. There were a couple of coloured plastic squares not linked up. One was 24 Volts and the body with a seat belt doesn't light up when I put my seat belt on. The clock and fag lighter are lit by one at the end too.
The 24v was for military types, the brake ones and seat belt ones were for Johnny Foreigner markets. Like the look of those leds, will have to get me some, the standard ones are cack.

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