Electronics in my key have packed up, when I discovered that a key would be 300 quid, I decided to stay with manual locking. As my car is about 20 years old, I can do that. On more modern cars, there are no keyholes!

Is it the three button Ford key? Key cutting shops that do car keys should stock them as they are so common. The engine immobiliser chip in the key is separate and must still be working if the car starts. They should also be able to check if the remote is sending out a signal and the problem isn't with the car electronics.

Anywhere that does car keys should be able to supply and program the remote for far less than £300. The actual metal key and engine immobiliser chip can be swapped onto the new remote.

if it is the type I think, a brand new genuine remote can be had on ebay for £24.95.
Is it the three button Ford key? Key cutting shops that do car keys should stock them as they are so common. The engine immobiliser chip in the key is separate and must still be working if the car starts. They should also be able to check if the remote is sending out a signal and the problem isn't with the car electronics.

Anywhere that does car keys should be able to supply and program the remote for far less than £300. The actual metal key and engine immobiliser chip can be swapped onto the new remote.

if it is the type I think, a brand new genuine remote can be had on ebay for £24.95.
I have been to exactly such a shop, in the Pavilions centre in Uxbridge.
They told me to search for a vid on Youtube showing how to reprogram the key, but that if it didn't work, the electronics of the key were knackered. It didn't work.

They also said that they could cut the keys, but they couldn't get the remote, only from Ford, and it would be 300 quid.

It isn't a big problem, I have had more manual locking cars than electric over the years.
Does it look like this one? If so you won't need another cut as the key part separates from the remote.

Does it look like this one? If so you won't need another cut as the key part separates from the remote.

It does look like that. I don't need any keys cut, as I have a manual spare key, and the old one works as a key, although not as a remote key.

According to the blokes in the shop, the remotes are easy to get, but only work on later cars. Mine is one of the first that had remote key, which is why it still has keyholes on the front doors and tailgate as well.

Thanks for your suggestions, but I really can't be bothered to mess around with it any more. I didn't pay for the car, and it has zero resale value, so I will just stick with manual locking. It drives fine and passes the MOT.
I love my series 3 but it has caused me a problem. Our "normal car", as my wife likes to call it, has all the modern stuff on it and I used to really like it. Recently though this stuff has started to get on my nerves.
I put it in reverse and the wing mirrors dip so you can better, now I can't see what did before (doesn't happen on my series). The headlights come on automatically but I have to check it's on automatic otherwise I'm driving without lights. Windscreen wipers automatically turn on but some times the rain isn't enough to turn them on when I need them. The ****ing thing bleeps when parking -I know there's a ****ing wall there I can see the bloody thing in the sodding mirrors which have dipped.
All the things that I liked about the "normal " car have started to annoy me. I'd rather drive the series as its more relaxing cos I'm not checking all the electronic stuff is doing what it should be. Yep I'm finding driving a series MORE relaxing!

I'm driving the "normal" car thinking "I'm a sodding adult with many years driving experience " I don't need my car to warn me I'm changing lanes.

Someone asked me what I'd do in heavy rain as the landy only has one speed wipers, find a cafe and have a cuppa is the answer.

And I look on this site and see freelander owners asking for advice on how to connect bluetooth, ****ing bluetooth on a landy site.

I'm probably getting old and the landy reminds me of simpler times, but it bleeps a lot less than the other car. Doesn't tell me what to do, and doesn't try to stop me doing what I want to do (if I want all that I'll just talk to the mrs)
CohPC, I could not agree more. Getting into my S3 always brings a smile to my face ---- that is once I've got it started!!
Yeah our 'normal car' screams and flashes up red when it gets close to an obstruction but when you look you could still walk between obstruction and car.
CohPC, I could not agree more. Getting into my S3 always brings a smile to my face ---- that is once I've got it started!!
Yeah our 'normal car' screams and flashes up red when it gets close to an obstruction but when you look you could still walk between obstruction and car.
I think it's an age thing, youngsters used to technology making decisions think "oh how clever and useful, my cars telling me it might be icy", us older folk think "my cars telling me its icy, I know it's ****ing icy, I've slipped twice getting to the ****ing car, scrapped ****ing ice of the windscreen and there's snow on the ****ing ground, pointless ****ing feature on a car"

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