It is - fabulous , except on horseback , i can't actually think of a better way of enjoying the countryside and the 90 and spending time with nice folk in great places.
As i said on another thread , i'm buying up a few tiles from the OS 1:25,000 maps , and as an experiment just happened to buy a tile north of here , it's only BOAT central , ok a lot of lanes are on old mine waste areas , but me and Mr are certainly going to go for a lookie ...never know we may just drag some of these Devonshire folk further west!:D

I shall have to renew my Passport!! ;)
What are tiles then

On OS Mapfinder they have split the whole country into a grid , each square is called a tile , you can buy tiles that show the area as either 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 depending on the detail you want...most 1:25's are about £1.99 , if you down load the mapfinder app you can then record a route as you drive it as it maps you by GPS , basically i looked at Memory Map and decided i didn't want to spend £199 on the whole country , but this way i'm only buying bits where i know there are lanes that i want to do - simples ( altho i'm not sure all that waffling was?:D)
On OS Mapfinder they have split the whole country into a grid , each square is called a tile , you can buy tiles that show the area as either 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 depending on the detail you want...most 1:25's are about £1.99 , if you down load the mapfinder app you can then record a route as you drive it as it maps you by GPS , basically i looked at Memory Map and decided i didn't want to spend £199 on the whole country , but this way i'm only buying bits where i know there are lanes that i want to do - simples ( altho i'm not sure all that waffling was?:D)

I use Mapyx Quo, same as MemoryMap, the software is "free" and the 1:50K tiles are only £0.92 each plus VAT

Mapyx QUO - The Essential GB Mapping Software
Yes they are all the same sort of thing, same maps, just slightly different interface :D

No , that can't possibly be right , i'm sure that the OS maps only show nice parts of the country , not the deprived areas ..:D

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