
Ok not funny ha ha more a funny strange.....

There was I driving along a track, nothing serious just a road that isn't Tarmaced few pot holes.. Hit a pot hole then that's when the funny thing started... I could hear the ticking of a relay from under the glove compartment and the little green light on the dash that shows you are indicating was flashing.
Indicator stalk was in the centre, and the haz switch hadn't been knocked on...

After a bit of head scratching and looking for fuses /relays I tried activating the central locking.... Didn't work

Finally sorted after a couple of ignition off / on and pressing the button on the key fob

Is this something I will have to look forward to for as long as I own my 300 TDI or was it just a gremlin?
Its by design and in the manual, its a crash detector device, under left hand side of the dash, it opens the doors and turns the hazards on :)
Enertia switch isnt it.crash and the hazards come on.turn engine off n on again n itl go off.
Wow ive been through all sorts in mine and its never triggered an inertia switch!
Well you learn something new every day..... Is the erratic rev counter something to worry about? Or is that a feature too :)
the rev counter is just somat that you learn to live with.ours has been erratic since we bought the thing:confused::confused:

Rev counter 'should' just be a poor connection on the alternator.
Just remove the wire, clean up the connection and it should be right as rain. :)

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