
Active Member
Another good turn out. The weather was not as nice as last year but still bearable. I had a few pleasant chats with fellow owners. My lads commented that outside the show they were use to us being the unusual vehicle, whereas at the show ours was probably the most normal ("boring" in teenager speak).

Anyway enough of my waffle here are some pictures.

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Another good turn out. The weather was not as nice as last year but still bearable. I had a few pleasant chats with fellow owners. My lads commented that outside the show they were use to us being the unusual vehicle, whereas at the show ours was probably the most normal ("boring" in teenager speak).

Anyway enough of my waffle here are some pictures.
The top photo of your first post is how I love to see them "as found unrestored but running" , perfect, I beleve its called "patina".
Great photos, thanks.
Very pleased they had a great turn out. We went to Tilford Land Rover Day which was on the same day and they too had a great turn out. The clash of dates could have gone wrong but it looks like it worked OK. I hope they check dates next year so we can do both. Tilford had a lot of Series and Defenders but less "specials" but for us its an hour nearer and free if you registere in advance. Thee are a lot of historic buildings which came in very handy as shelters as our weather looks to have been worse than yours.
I can't vouch for the afternoon as we left at lunch just as it started raining. We left due to other commitments, not the weather I should add. I'm not sure how far people came but there were a couple of Defenders from France, at least one of which was there last year.
Great photos, thanks for posting them.
I was due to go to Tilford event, woke up to very heavy rain at 7.30 and forecast was for solid rain all day. Recovering from a throat infection and decided a day in the rain probably wouldn't do me any favours. Put the heater on and spent the day in the garage in the end fixing a wheel bracket to the bonnet.
We spend the night in the car park of the New Leathern Bottle in Jealotts Hill (Bracknell) as they have a "Steam up" and jumble on the second sat in Octorber and its really good, a BBQ and real ale and I wanted to have more than 1 pint! And it was on the way to Tilford. Stayed dry all eveing but heavens opened up at 3 am and a Dormobile roof is very noisy. I stayed dry but I had promised to retrieve my son's "favourinte" football that had gone over the pub hedge, shouldn't have put if off to the morning, never found the ball, got soaked and he'd forgotten about it unitl I went looking, Tilford had a really good turnout of Series, the most I've seen which is amaziing considering the weather, but I would say 90% of those there had come in their land Rovers, sadly the rain kept the public away still it made for keen prices at the auto jumble..
Gutted to have missed amberley, it had been in the diary all summer. My weekend sort of fell apart trying to get the roof back on after the lovely summer and we weren't going to head out with that forecast and no roof!


Nice pics, i ll search some pics of the both french defender the red and the grey/green if you have this, thank you
