
New Member
Hi folks

Actually signed up in Jan 2012, so it's taken me 18 months to introduce myself. I've no idea why I joined up in Jan 2012 as I didn't own a Land Rover at the time - I'd actually been without my RRC VM for a couple of months by then.

Have always been a Landy fan - had school work experience at Lode Lane and Eastnor Castle. Owned a 90 V8 a few years back (horrible and even more thirsty than I thought!), then the RRC (VW engines - not quite as bad as everyone says but about as refined as Motorhead) and finally last month got my hands on a Disco 200Tdi three door.

I'm big into Citroens, hate modern stuff and am not a fan of modifications. The only modification I've ever made was to the Land Rover. I removed the lamp bar above the windscreen (well, it wasn't even wired up!).

Anyway, am sure I'll have queries - have done an intro to my Disco in the Disco section.

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Hmmm. No replies. Perhaps as it took me 18 months to introduce myself, it'll take 18 months to get a reply!

In a bid to to get one of you to bite, I shall review my Land Rover history.

It began in December 2010 when I purchased a LR 90 V8 CSW for the princely sum of £1600. I thought it was a bargain. Until it needed refuelling. Again. And Again...

Still, it was great off-road, surprising many with its abilities, despite the original-spec tiny tyres. 15mpg was never going to be that comfortable though, so I lobbed it on Ebay, where it made a touch over £2300. Not often I make a profit on a car...

Blew my hard earned on a Reliant Scimitar. With that itch scratched, I flogged it and bought a Range Rover Turbo D. Fun this was. French-registered, converted from a V8 with no MOT. I stupidly paid a grand for it but apart from a couple of tyres, it flew an MOT. Phew.

Range Rover

It was astonishingly good off road, easily coping with Strata Florida on at least two occasions. The electrics were a nightmare, the interior build quality hilariously bad (luxury vehicle my arse!) but I really quite liked the engine, with its 'plan ahead' turbo lag and 'child banging a biscuit tin' refinement levels.

I gave up trying to get the heater to work, and flogged it in October 2011 before it got too cold. Then I bought a Ford Maverick, which was also surprisingly good off-road, but bounced around like an over-excited terrier.

All this was mere preamble. The car I'd always wanted, since I first clapped eyes on one as an 11-year old, was a pre-facelift Disco 1. 20 years after I drove one on school work experience (shhh, don't tell Health & Safety) I owned one!

Here it is on its first laning trip. I love it.

It has many faults, including a 2nd gear synchromesh that's gone into hiding. It's the achievement of a long-held dream though. I don't think it's bad for £450 - who said dream cars had to be expensive?
Thanks folks. Tried giving it a service today, which involved a lot of swearing. Not enough large sockets or spanners! Engine oil/filter done (sump plug and filter were finger tight!), but gearbox will have to wait.

I'm fast becoming a fan of this vehicle though. Should be even better if I can banish the 2nd gear crunch (fresh synthetic ATF the first plan there) and sort out a slight steering shimmy (think a swivel is a bit worn).
Actually, looking at my PMs, looks like my Disco hint began back in Jan 2012. I ended up with a Ford Maverick instead, which partly explains the delay...

I see I've got to post a whole lot more waffle before I can post in the For Sale/Wanted section, so I'll ask here - anyone got a spare jack? I don't seem to have one - the standard one looks a nice bit of kit (compared to most cars anyway!).

I'm sure it's been said on LZ somewhere that the standard jack is only good enough to change a wheel, the inference being get yourself a trolley jack or some such. However, I've seen a vid on youtube (lucky 8 offroad IIRC) where they use the stock bottle jack between an axle and the chassis to jack the axle down more so a longer spring can be eased into place (3 inch lift kit).

Thing is, if the bottle jack is strong enough to allow you to change a wheel then it should be strong enough to allow you to shove an axle stand under the Landy.

I have a nice high-lift trolley jack, but it's a bloody big and heavy thing - not something I want to carry about with me really. It is wheel changing that I had in mind. All well and good carrying a spare, but not much use if you haven't got a jack.
Moar pics.

As I got it.

This week.

Repainted bumper, cleaned plastics and the side steps are gone. Wheels need a refurb next. Mechanically, it's had a timing belt, water pump and radiator plus a service. Changed the gearbox oil this week, which has improved the 2nd gear synchro issue quite a bit. Still need to do transfer box and axles but ran out of money. I've been paid again now though!

It'll be heading down Strata Florida this weekend. Looking forward to seeing how it compares to the Rangie and Maverick, which both coped with no problems.
Sssshhh , i can hear mumbling that someone whittering from Wales?:behindsofa:

oops HELLO DOLLY ...:welcome::D
Thanks folks. Not sure the best place to put wittering about this Disco. I did start a thread in the Disco section, but it rapidly got buried under tech stuff.

Off for a trek along Strata Florida today. Should be fun! My Disco has a different fairly worn tyre on each corner, so I'll see how it gets on...

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