Evenin' all.
So, after having the book symbol on the display since I bought it, Thunderbird 2 finally went into a local a/c place to check the system for leaks. And predictably failed to maintain pressure. The diagnosis is yet to be made, but it's either a leaky hose, or condensers. Or maybe you can suggest other suspects?
Assuming the worst, what's the difficulty and cost of replacing the condensers? Again, not wanting to look like a cretin in front of the mechs
Thanks for your help!
So, after having the book symbol on the display since I bought it, Thunderbird 2 finally went into a local a/c place to check the system for leaks. And predictably failed to maintain pressure. The diagnosis is yet to be made, but it's either a leaky hose, or condensers. Or maybe you can suggest other suspects?
Assuming the worst, what's the difficulty and cost of replacing the condensers? Again, not wanting to look like a cretin in front of the mechs
Thanks for your help!