
THE Winner
So Mrs Grimmer has entered an art competition at the O2 in Glasgow, and she is doing pretty well at the minute:cool::cool::cool::cool:
More votes will however me mucho appreciated:D:D
Anyhoo here's the link, if you likes it, please have a vote;);)
Talenthouse - Creative Collaboration - music, film, fashion, art / design, photography, and dance
:nospamhere::nospamhere::nospamhere::behindsofa: :bolt:

Following on from

Oh no, down to second now, others must be on bigger forums :p

Get the link in the other forums :D:D Who cares about a few spam moans

Suew did make me do it:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D
So Mrs Grimmer has entered an art competition at the O2 in Glasgow, and she is doing pretty well at the minute:cool::cool::cool::cool:
More votes will however me mucho appreciated:D:D
Anyhoo here's the link, if you likes it, please have a vote;);)
Talenthouse - Creative Collaboration - music, film, fashion, art / design, photography, and dance
:nospamhere::nospamhere::nospamhere::behindsofa: :bolt:

Following on from

Suew did make me do it:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D

No I didn't :p I said put it in the Freelanders bit :eek::D:D:D:D
Come everyone, 30 votes needed very fast

Cant let some other forum beat LZ

Thank you suew for your hard work!! I still have a chance of wining the judged elliment, which is based purely on tallent not how many fb friends you have !! ( not confident at all) but mr grimmer thinks I have a chance xx
Thanks every one else xxx
Thank you suew for your hard work!! I still have a chance of wining the judged elliment, which is based purely on tallent not how many fb friends you have !! ( not confident at all) but mr grimmer thinks I have a chance xx
Thanks every one else xxx

LOL, I did feel sorry for the people who only had one vote, obviously don't have any friends :(
Ended up second:(, so fanks for all those that voted:cool::cool:but that was only the "Public vote", which I think translates as "How many mates have you got on Facefook/****ter??".
There is an "Eggspurts" I suppose you could call it:confused:, couple of prizes as well;);) announced next week. Looking at most of the entrys, if she doesn't win one of those, I will show my arse in Burtons window:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Ended up second:(, so fanks for all those that voted:cool::cool:but that was only the "Public vote", which I think translates as "How many mates have you got on Facefook/****ter??".
There is an "Eggspurts" I suppose you could call it:confused:, couple of prizes as well;);) announced next week. Looking at most of the entrys, if she doesn't win one of those, I will show my arse in Burtons window:eek::eek::eek::eek:

you tell mrs grimmer that to come second is a great achievement anyway.tell her well done.;)
Ended up second:(, so fanks for all those that voted:cool::cool:but that was only the "Public vote", which I think translates as "How many mates have you got on Facefook/****ter??".
There is an "Eggspurts" I suppose you could call it:confused:, couple of prizes as well;);) announced next week. Looking at most of the entrys, if she doesn't win one of those, I will show my arse in Burtons window:eek::eek::eek::eek:

it's great to see someone following ther dream respect to mrs grimmer, still not sure about her hubby tho ;)