
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
This one went from just around the corner last night.
Full of tools, and how the bloke earns his living.

This one went from just around the corner last night.
Full of tools, and how the bloke earns his living.


scum of the earth,if they catch the thieves,let the local owners have him for awhile,bet he won't do it again.:mad:
sorry for him, but that was silly.

you take all tools from unmarked trannies at night, nm defenders with windows and a sign saying what tools are inside.
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done mobile repairs for a few years back in the day, it was a hard way of doing it.

but my heart goes out to the guy whos lost everything..
It has to be organised crime to steal a truck covered in stickers without a market is madness!

does it. proper mechanics tools cost a bomb.. and can easily be split and sold off on ebay. loads of old tools for sale on it.

i think a lot of these vehicles then get stuck into a shipping container and sent abroad where noone asks q's
does it. proper mechanics tools cost a bomb.. and can easily be split and sold off on ebay. loads of old tools for sale on it.

i think a lot of these vehicles then get stuck into a shipping container and sent abroad where noone asks q's

Most are stolen for or by other landy owners, or sold to them as parts on Ebay.
As far as it being stickered its only realy a few panels so if it were to be broken for parts its only a small part low value of the truck that could be identified by that means

out of interest what sort of percentage of defenders stolen are ever recovered complete ?

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