Disco Moneypit

New Member
This is my Discovery;

It no longer has the grey stickers along the botom half of it's flank. A while back a mate of mine jokingly suggested that it should have the U.N stickers down the side, like this;

So, I just wondered if I did have that done for a bit of a giggle, could I get in trouble under some sort of stupid anti terrorism law? Would it be fair to suggest that I would be getting pulls from the BiB asking me what my problem was? Would I even be able to find any printers who would print me the stickers up?
Just kinda curious really.
You can't impersonate a police vehicle in this country. After that you can do what you want. Though I know someone who had a white RR and had the relective stripe down the side of it and his security company logo where the police have their county insignia, and a amber lightbar on the roof. He never got pulled in it. But he never got stuck in traffic either :)
there is a white disco i see around up here thats ex police and still has the orange stripe down the sides and the chequor pattern just has the force badges removed, hes put a roof cross bar on with blue tape either end, fooled me a couple of times
you should,nt have any problems getting them made up , if you get a tug by the fed,s tell um your names ugly numpty..............:D :D :D

place i get mine made up will do most things except the one i wanted with the words bastid and blick in it ..................:D
I think...............(im gonna get hung, drawn and quartered for saying this) but............you shouldn't get those stickers done, :D
you should,nt have any problems getting them made up , if you get a tug by the fed,s tell um your names ugly numpty..............:D :D :D

place i get mine made up will do most things except the one i wanted with the words bastid and blick in it ..................:D
Fed's,,,,,,,,,wtf,,,,,, :confused: :D
This is my Discovery;

It no longer has the grey stickers along the botom half of it's flank. A while back a mate of mine jokingly suggested that it should have the U.N stickers down the side, like this;

So, I just wondered if I did have that done for a bit of a giggle, could I get in trouble under some sort of stupid anti terrorism law? Would it be fair to suggest that I would be getting pulls from the BiB asking me what my problem was? Would I even be able to find any printers who would print me the stickers up?
Just kinda curious really.
nice lunch box on ya landy!!!:D :D
you should,nt have any problems getting them made up , if you get a tug by the fed,s tell um your names ugly numpty..............:D :D :D

If they take one look at my face, then they would proberly believe that to be true.

Sod it, I'm going to get it done, should be a laugh.

Will proberly have to get the plastic rubbing strip removed from the door first.

Any of you chaps any idea how much a set of big UN decals will set me back? A set on each side, one on the bonnet, one on the roof? best include fitting, because I'd never get them on straight.

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