
New Member
Thinking of buying a new 90 to add to the td5 110, wife now has the bug!. I have a small construction co. anyway of you clever guys & gals no of re-claiming the Vodka & Tonic (vat..):D
yer need to have it registered as belongin to yer company ie " poolman construction Co " an of course be vat registered, then yer can claim back yer vat.
and then its gets more complex cos you'll have to be declaring your use of it on your tax return as a benifit in kind
yes registed for vat does it matter what type of vechile you buy, does it have to be a pick up or hardtop thks
it certainly makes a difference as to how much VED you will be paying as dedicated comercials such as hardtop will attract the lower charge - youd have to talk to your accountant about what the personal tax implications of which one you buy are
dont tell them you take it home. if you travel from home to work in it they calls it as personal then i think. best grab an accountant on this one and ill ask my mrs when she gets back as what i am about to buy will be through the business aswell if i can do it depending on the which car i go for.
thanks gents, for the info

any one buying through a main dealer at the moment, how far can ya push-em, I love a good haggle.

tell me if im wrong but i think sales in 4x4 land are slow at the moment.
Yep prices are dropping fast. haggle like mad and know your market. Get some prices & brochures of riceburners and the other4x4's take um with yer, and tell him your not sure about Landys and are thinking of getting a sh*g*n or a J**P. also check out depreciation values for the model you want and use them as a bargaining point.

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