twas indeed, god thing about him is that he is very erm..........finikity?? job gets done properly no expense spared!! just like mine........(cough cough)
I sky+ed most of the series when it was on again the other day. It is a great program when they actually showed what they were doing and I will use it as inspiration to get my own landy sorted out. But, BY GOD do I get ****ed off with all the farking about and crappy musical interludes complete with "zaney" camera work cut with ****e jokes. TV programs must be helluv expensive to film, so why do they have all that crap in them?

Seems a shame to spend so long repairing the dints in the bodywork and having a fancy paint job when the landy is built as an extreme off roader. If it was used as it was designed, it wouldn't stay like that long.

Still, at least I've got seven hours of telly to watch instead of doing owt useful.
Download it off Mininova.

I did and then editied out all the useless crap. Now got five little files each about 20 mins long with just the good bits left in.

He does pass on some useful tips but you have to dig thru the crap jokes to find most of them.
I got:
A 4x4 is born
A Car is born - Cobra
A Car is born - Jag
A Chopper is born
An MG is born
A Plane is Born
A Bike is reborn

I think there quite good, its a diffrent style of presenting. better then the american bull that repeats itself over and over with an annoying american voice.

tis a well nice 4x4 he builds though.

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