
Hi. Sorry if this is a repeated query but I can't find a definitive answer!

I just need to find someone who can supply some door key blanks for my '98 110. I don't want to have to replace the barrels, and shouldn't need to anyway as they're not that old (all doors were replaced not that long ago by the previous owner), but I can't find a supplier who can tell me for sure that they have the right ones? I only have one key, which is worrying! I got a couple cut in Timpsons but although they look the same they're actually slightly thicker in places and won't go in the barrels.

I'm also in Oxfordshire and I'd appreciate some clues as to the best place(s) to take the beast for tlc etc.

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Take them back to Timpsons and ask them to replace the keys using the correct blanks, as the ones provided are not fit for purpose!
... And by he way, welcome to the asylum :cool::cool:
Hmm not sure I want to do that, the guy was insistent that that was what they had, but the blanks they supplied are not only wrong but very soft too, very easily bent. I'd rather have the proper thing, even if I still have to go there and ask them to cut them!

Thanks for the welcome though o_O
I can ask but these are advertised as suitable for 2007 onwards so unlikely. I've actually just purchased the last one from the link I posted just now, it looks about right and for just £4 it's worth a try.
Hmm not sure I want to do that, the guy was insistent that that was what they had, but the blanks they supplied are not only wrong but very soft too, very easily bent. I'd rather have the proper thing, even if I still have to go there and ask them to cut them!

Thanks for the welcome though o_O
Let him insist all he wants - take them back for a refund and say that if that is all they have then it is wrong and therefore his fault.

I only had one key so bought and fit a set of barrels and just did it that way, thus giving me 3 keys.

Alternative is to go to a big motor factors, they often have automotive keys and blanks and what not and will have a better chance than Timpsons, who although good at many things (and that really depends on the shop staff) are not automotive key cutters.

Or buy something like this (in the UK would help!) and get a little independent ironmonger to cut:
Discomania - thanks but that link doesn't work!
David - that part is for 2002 onwards. Having said that it does look like it would do for my ignition key, but not sure about the doors. However, the X-section profiles look similar so I may just see if one fits the other when I return to the vehicle later.
So, it turns out that although the door key is physically shorter than the ignition key (the bit that actually goes in the barrel), in my case at least the X-section profiles are the same so in theory, an ignition blank can be shortened and cut to fit the doors. I now have a blank CZX 3882 (it seems to fit ok) so it's off to trusty Timpsons this lunchtime to see if I can persuade the guy there to cut it for me (they can be sticky about cutting blanks they haven't supplied fyi).

I don't know if an STC4798 would fit, but I'm not spending £48 to find out!!
Well, Timpsons point-blank refused to cut my CZX 3882, stating they don't cut blanks they don't supply. I was tempted to tell them that not only did the blank they supplied last time not fit, it twisted like a piece of cheese when I tried it(!!) but I didn't have it with me so maybe next time I'm passing, and if I can find the receipt I'll ask for a refund too :)
Luckily there was an independant hardware shop not too far away which was willing to cut it (albeit with a verbal disclaimer). Hopefully that's that now :)
I hope it fits :) I have also tried to get them to cut a blank they didn't supply. They said they will only cut the ones they supply because of their warranty.....

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