
New Member
Hi Guys... been off for a while.. busy having a new born baby. Now its time to get the old girl running again but need to replace the Gearbox and Transfer box due to some wired and wonderful clunking and gear changes.

Have been waiting for my Garage to source the box but after a month - nothing so am hunting myself.

I understand that ZF4HP gearboxes are in the P38 and that 22H, and 24H's are in different models (4.0, 4.6 and 2.5D). I also read that one of them was fitted to both, either the 4.0 and 2.5D or the other way around and it is the 4.6 and 2.5D.

If that is correct, I assume that the bell housing is different, and that you can't just put a petrol box onto a diesel without some swapping of parts? so... how much work is involved or should I really be going for a box of a diesel to make life easier? (I will have the old gearbox to use some parts if needed).

Any help would be of assistance. Anyone done this before etc.

I'm located in North Wales Anglesey so can't go to Ashcroft due to the distance and cost.. looking for a good second hand complete unit so I can change Main box and transfer box together.

Also (sorry for asking so many questions) what do peeps think about the expected costs for parts and labour should be? I'm currently thinking about £400 for the Main box with Transfer box plus same again for the garage bill (dunno if that sounds correct or not).

Datatek's playing around with boxes at the moment, if some French peasant has dug him a trench that is, and he's seriously into the 2.5 diesel. Worth a PM?
why both it is unusual for both to fail ,the boxes are similar but not interchangable without changing valve block and front housings etc,i could tell you tomorrow exact parts needing changing ,usually the diesels have premature one way clutch ,or clutch pack faults at front of box quite easy to fix for competent person with instruction,i have helped people do it on phone,but thats not to say box isnt completely bust more rare but happens
@ James Martin > The faults are a clunking change down into 2nd and first when de-accelerating.

The box oils where changed but the front diff then eat itself which after a change has not fixed the org fault... so the garage said it could be either the main box or the transfer box.

The reason for changing both is (a) the above probably the transfer box although could be the main box, but (b) the second fault is a strange change from 3rd to 4th gear where she seams to jump from 3rd to 4th back again before settling into 4th. This fault produces the symptom of a sticking valve block as fare as I understand.

Due to the two faults and the advice so fare that they are probably both connected to either part respectively, to save on labour, I was thinking of changing the two at the same time... so I don't bounce back and forth into the garage for boxes to be dropped and changed etc.

I have asked for the transfer box back so I can overhaul it myself... whilst I have a running vehicle as a pet project... but not confident enough, nor have the facilities to do this work on my own at home.
have you checked viscous coupling in front output housing they lock up giving the effect of been in difflock on a defender or disco you can check by jacking one front wheel up and trying to turn wheel with large bar on wheelnut if it wont turn with gear box in neutral viscous is siezed it should creep round,viscous can be changed without removing t/box from car check new one when fitted
i think then that your doing right thing as they are often sold together anyhow if not from landy specialist breakers ,but get diesel one with warrenty even if only 30 days as if you have problem with valve block youd only be transfering it ,diesels normally have trouble with oneway clutch or first clutch pack not valve block ,transfer boxes are easy to rebuild and dont usually fail but .
Gidday,i am reading this thread with interest as my rangey has a strange shift from 3rd to 4th, it seems to do about three gear shifts between three and four when under load, but on light load, the gear shift is ok. i thought that perhaps it was being caused by a worn clutch pack. I was wondering also about the interchangeability of the trans from petrol to diesel.
Apparently the only item you need to change over is the bell housing and possibly the valve block. Internals of the gearbox fitted to both 4.0 and 2.5 are the same but different bell housing to fit onto the engine in question.

I know that some people upgrade some clutch parts to that fitted in the 4.6 to strengthen the box... this also goes for the gear kit in the diffs as I understand that the rear diff on the 4.6 is stronger than that of the 4.0 and 2.5 due to the increase in power.

I've managed to sources a second hand complete gearbox done 84K so will go that way to start with. I'll probably as said before take the transfer box back home to strip and overhaul to fit back on at some time in the future. I may even take the gearbox home to open and see what's going on (even just to learn how things work).

I'll keep you posted as to how things pan out.
Quick Update. Had the car back now with the replacement Gearbox and Transfer box. Clunking gone. but....

I know it was one of the bloody things playing up, but don't know which one. All fine now apart from today when I put her in 'D' and I see '3' on the selector light and the dash jumping from D to 3... and 'N' on the dash in N but light up as 'R..lol

Booked to go back in Thursday to either adjust or replace the XYZ switch for the old one. Watch this space.
Quick Update. Had the car back now with the replacement Gearbox and Transfer box. Clunking gone. but....

I know it was one of the bloody things playing up, but don't know which one. All fine now apart from today when I put her in 'D' and I see '3' on the selector light and the dash jumping from D to 3... and 'N' on the dash in N but light up as 'R..lol

Booked to go back in Thursday to either adjust or replace the XYZ switch for the old one. Watch this space.

Probably just the selector cable that needs adjusting.

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