I would say, I'm very happy with the work you've done would have no problems coming back again and so on but... Im a little upset about the black finger prints on the new Headliner.. Then see how that pans out.
Compliments go a long way and being honest goes much further.
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I would say, I'm very happy with the work you've done would have no problems coming back again and so on but... Im a little upset about the black finger prints on the new Headliner.. Then see how that pans out.
Compliments go a long way and being honest goes much further.
Or... Whichever your take may be better. :cool:
you could always burn his garage down, when you have an alibi of course. :eek::D
Thanks again guys.
Appreciate your suggestions. Burning his garage down, while satisfying, seems like overdoing things just a tad, at this juncture.
As I'd like him to finish off a few more cars, once this Chinese germ warfare experiment concludes.
Upon careful reflection and much prayer, I believe that a straight conversation, while I have 'Knee Capping for Dummies'
tucked under my arm, ought to smooth things over and incentivise him.
I'd like to thank my co-conspirators here, for their invaluable help and advice :p

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